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Professor Cline Revealed (The Professor #1) Page 10

  “Okay,” I agreed as I looked into his eyes. He sat up straighter in his chair and waited for me to proceed..

  Lifting the blindfold, I looked into his eyes until I’d wrapped it around my head and my vision turned to blackness.

  My heart was pounding as I stood there. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then I reached my hands behind my back to find the zipper of my dress. I could hear him moving and wondered what exactly he was doing. The blindfold was going to drive me nuts, but maybe that was what he wanted.

  Pulling the zipper down, I could hear each tooth as it came undone. It was so erotic, like hearing the sound of a man pulling his zipper down. You knew what was coming next and it only built the anticipation.

  When the zipper reached the bottom, I brought my arms up to my shoulders and took a deep breath. I tried to imagine what he looked like as he sat there watching me. Was he leaning forward in anticipation? Was he grabbing himself? I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth and held it there as I slowly pulled my straps away and let the dress fall to the floor.

  I heard an intake of breath from across the room as cool air swirled around me, causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

  I stood there in matching cream-colored bra and underwear and instinctively tried to cover myself.

  “Drop your arms and let me see you.”

  I took in another deep breath as I heard him speak. He was standing only a few feet away from me. I didn’t hear him approach me at all, but that was no surprise since all I could hear was the beating of my heart.

  Dropping my arms, I let them rest at my side and stood up straight. I concentrated on his movement, wondering what he would do next. My body was starting to shake with anticipation of him running his fingers along my skin, but the touch never came.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, off to my side.

  He was so close I could feel the heat coming off his body. I wanted to turn and touch him, but I didn’t. I figured if I did something without him telling me to do it, then our little game would end. And with the way my nether region was pulsing, I didn’t want it to end too soon.

  “Take off your bra and go lie on the bed,” he commanded softly.

  I licked my lips and took another deep breath to try and calm my nerves. I felt his heat disappear from my side and heard him shuffle in front of me. I wished I could see his face and how my body was affecting him.

  Lifting my arms, I brought them behind me and unclasped my bra, letting it immediately fall from my breasts and onto the floor.

  My nipples were hardened into peaks, my breasts heavy with arousal. I stood there for a moment waiting to see if he would do anything, but nothing came. I tried to control my erratic breathing, but I knew there would be no use to it.

  Turning to my left, I tried to remember how far away the bed was. I knew I probably looked stupid and nowhere near sexy with my arms stretched out, trying to grab for the bed, but there was no way around that. After a few steps, my hand finally touched the soft comforter and I made my way onto the bed. I felt for the pillows on top and positioned myself on my back with my hands resting on my stomach, waiting for his next command.

  “Lift your arms above your head and grab onto the headboard. Do not move them unless I tell you to.”

  I furrowed my brow under the blindfold as I slowly did as I was told. I didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be able to touch him, but I wasn’t going to voice my opinion. Not yet, anyway.

  After grabbing the headboard, I heard movement to my right and turned my head toward him, resting it on my arm. I heard his heavy breathing and it sounded like he was standing mere inches from me, but I couldn’t be sure. I waited for him to touch me, say something, do anything, but nothing came. I listened as hard as I could to figure out what he might be doing, but I had no idea. I heard him retreat, then the squeak of a door. And then silence.

  A few minutes had passed and I was starting to get a nervous ache in my stomach that something was wrong. Finally, I got the nerve to open my mouth.

  “Mason?” I called out, but there was no reply.

  I pulled my arms down from the headboard and sat up, removing the blindfold.

  The room was empty.

  I didn’t know what to do.

  “Mason?” I called out again, but still, there was no reply.

  Getting off the bed, I reached down for the bra I had discarded and hastily put it back on before slipping back into my dress.

  My heart was beating frantically as all kinds of questions flowed through my mind.

  Where is he? Is something wrong? Did he leave?

  I stepped out into the living room and was greeted with silence. The food was still sitting on the table where we’d left it, but there was no Mason. I turned to the right and opened the door down the hall to find an empty bathroom.

  “Mason? Are you here?” I asked as a knot formed in my throat.

  Did he really leave me here?

  I looked around the rest of the house and found it was completely empty. He’d left me. That asshole left me.

  A single tear escaped and rolled down my cheek, but I took a deep breath and forced my tears back. This had to be the most embarrassing situation I’d ever been in. I’d finally let all my inhibitions go, and he’d thrown my actions in my face.

  I need to get the hell out of here.

  After grabbing my small bag by the kitchen table, I made my way to the front door. That was when I spotted money and a piece of paper on a table against the wall.

  I walked to the table and picked up the small piece of paper which only had two words written on it.

  I’m sorry.

  And there were two twenty-dollar bills lying next to it. I assumed they were for my ride home since he’d left me there with no way to leave.

  What a fucking asshole.

  I walked out of the condo an embarrassed mess. How do these things happen to me? After everything that happened with Tim, that was the last thing I needed. Maybe there was something wrong with me. Maybe I wasn’t as appealing. My feelings were beyond hurt, but I knew I’d have to get over it. I couldn’t dwell on it. I should have gone with my gut and ignored his forwardness. I couldn’t let this affect me.

  I sighed as I made my way out of the building.

  Now I’ll have to see him every week and try not to relive the embarrassment of being left almost fully naked on his bed.

  But I guess that’s what I get for trying to do something completely out of my character.

  Chapter 13


  Lifting the tumbler to my lips, I stared down at my phone. No matter what I did, I could never get rid of my past; it would always be there to haunt me and ask for more.

  Closing my eyes, I took a long sip of whiskey, enjoying the burn as it went down. Images of Emma ran through my mind as I rested my head back against the brown leather chair. She’d looked so beautiful lying there on the bed.

  I sighed and stared at the red wall in my study.

  I’d driven straight home after I’d left the condo. It definitely wasn’t how I’d expected the night to go. But I knew, as soon as she reached her arms over her head, it wasn’t going to work. She was so fucking beautiful. I was drawn to her more than any other woman I’d ever been with, and it scared the fuck out of me. I vowed to myself never to get too close to another woman.

  I panicked. I couldn’t stay, so I’d left her there. I knew it was an asshole move. I should have just kicked her out, made her dress and leave, but I didn’t have the nerve to do it.

  I shouldn’t have even cared, but I did. All the emotions I had buried deep inside for so long had come to the surface.

  I took another swig of the whiskey in hopes to drown them out.

  Out of all the fucking women in New York, I had to come across the one woman who made me feel.

  Anger flowed through me. I can’t fucking deal with this.

  Tilting my head back, I downed the rest of the whiskey and hurled the glass across th
e room, watching it shatter against the wall.

  The feelings of guilt and emptiness made their way through my veins and I balled my hands into fists, embedding my short nails into my palms.

  Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and headed to the weight room. The anger had built in my system and there was only one image front and center in my mind.

  John Cline.

  Shrugging my jacket off, I threw it into the corner of the room then tore my dress shirt from my body. I needed to work the anger out. Exertion was always my first attempt, and I needed it. I fucking needed it to work.

  Stepping over to my bag, I danced around it, hopping from foot to foot. I started out with slow steady jabs. Then I picked up my pace, building my momentum.

  Left, right, left, left, right.

  The bag swayed with every forceful punch.

  Out of all these years, I had only wished my life was different a hand full of times. After I’d finally accepted something was the way it was and nothing could change it, I gave up on false wishes. But there were times it triggered that hope again, that I could be someone different, that I could have had a normal childhood. But those things weren’t in the cards for me. My life was fucked-up, and I had my vices as my way of dealing with it.

  I punched the bag until my knuckles cracked and I couldn’t take it any longer. Then I punched it some more.

  Sweat poured down my face and into my eyes, but I kept going. I’d forgotten to turn my music on when I entered the room, so my mind wouldn’t shut up. Flashes of Emma lying on the bed entered my mind and I wondered how long she’d laid there until she’d realized I was gone.

  Grabbing onto the bag, I leaned my head forward and closed my eyes. The need to have her didn’t go away, it only intensified. I shouldn’t have left. I should have done what I’d planned on doing to get her out of my system, but I fucked it up.

  I had to try again or the need would never go away. She was worried about me being her professor, but if I didn’t get her out of my system, I wouldn’t be able to look at her every day without craving her. It would consume me.

  When it came to women, I always got what I wanted. But she didn’t seem like the kind of woman to give in easily. I’d left her there and she probably hated me. I would have to convince her. Persuade her to give me another chance. I needed the challenge.

  Chapter 14

  Mason – Seventeen years old

  I’d gotten a text from John after school to meet him in his office when I got home. I had no idea what he wanted me for and I didn’t want to find out, but I didn’t have a choice. When John requested your presence, you gave it to him.

  I walked into the house and slowly made my way toward his office, passing the door that led to the basement where Sophia had been for two months already. After the drugs had finally worn off that first day, the only thing I could get out of her was her name. I tried to visit her every day so she wouldn’t feel alone, but John wouldn’t let me and there was only so much I could do.

  As I approached John’s office, I could hear talking and nervousness started to settle in my gut.

  I was not looking forward to that meeting.

  Turning the knob, I made my way into the office and was confronted with a man I’d never met before, sitting in the chair opposite John.

  “Come over here and have a seat, Mason,” John beckoned as he leaned back in his chair with a cigar in his left hand.

  I walked over to the chair next to the man I didn’t know and took a seat.

  “So, this is Mason,” the man said with a small laugh as I turned to look at him. “I understand you’ve enjoyed the present we’ve bestowed upon you.”


  I looked toward my father who was watching me with a raised brow, then looked back toward the man. I squinted my eyes at him in disgust as I took in his words. I knew he was referring to Sophia and it pissed me the fuck off.

  I sat up straighter in my seat. “And who are you?” I asked in an authoritative tone I didn’t know I possessed.

  The man pursed his lips slightly and looked me over, which gave me enough time to do the same.

  He was dressed in a fine suit, something I knew John would wear. His dark hair was gelled perfectly in place and he had the slightest hint of stubble on his face. But none of that intimidated me. What did were his almost-black eyes. I knew he wasn’t a good man. And although I wouldn’t show it, he scared the shit out of me. More than John ever would.

  Crossing one of his legs over the other, the man leaned on the side of the chair to get closer to me, clasping his hands together.

  “You can call me Mr. Black.”

  The cool demeanor I was trying to maintain deflated. Mr. Black smirked at my sudden change of expression.

  “I take it you know who I am?”

  Mr. Donicko Black was the man John had told me about, the infamous Black Widow. The man who got away with everything, who had every law enforcement under his thumb.

  The day I’d met Sophia was the day I was brought into John’s world. I was informed of his illegal dealing and how I was being initiated into the circle to one day join the ranks of the trade.

  I’d told him no. There was no way I’d be involved in anything he did and there was no way he could make me. I’d threatened to expose him and the whole operation, but that was when the threats were made. If I didn’t want to end up like my mother then I’d keep my mouth shut. I was told I’d be getting a visit from Mr. Black, but I paid no attention to it. My main concern at that point was getting Sophia out unharmed.

  “Yes, I know who you are,” I stated blankly.

  He smirked. “Good. Then you know I’m not a man you want to fuck with.” He looked toward John and nodded.

  I glanced over to see John pull up surveillance on his computer. There, in black and white, was Sophia sitting on her bed.

  I sat up straighter, ready to jump at John, when Donicko put a hand on my shoulder.

  “You care for her, don’t you, boy?” he asked with a raised brow.

  I stared at him with a stern expression, not saying a word. I wasn’t going to tell them anything. They had surveillance on her room, but I didn’t know if they had microphones, too. If they did, then he’d know how I felt.

  I more than cared for her.

  He nodded again and John shut the computer down. “If you want to protect her, then you’ll do as I say. You’ll follow my rules with no questions asked.” He stood from his seat and fixed his suit jacket. “If you don’t then her fate will be carried out as planned.”



  Two days later I woke up with another fucking headache, but that was to be expected after drinking half of a bottle of whiskey. It was the only way I could get my mind to shut up, but the image of Emma wouldn’t leave. I was irritated as fuck that she had the power to take over my thoughts. That she had any sort of power to make me feel. I worked too hard to have control over every aspect of my life. I knew what needed to be done. I just needed to figure out a way to do it.

  Walking into the bathroom, I stopped at the sink and opened the drawer, avoiding my reflection. When I had the urge to cut, I never looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t want to see the person I had become, the person I hid so well.

  Grabbing the razor, I stared at it. This was my control. Everything about the cutting was about control.

  I lowered the razor to my hip and slid it across my skin. I breathed out heavily as the coldness of the blade turned hot against the cut. The relief was immediate, as if I could breathe again. I closed my eyes as the blood run down my leg. I’d never understand it, but it was the one thing I could never stop.

  After taking a shower and bandaging my hip, I grabbed my phone off the side table and headed downstairs. I had no classes that day, and I needed to get out of the house. Opening my contacts, I pulled up Luke’s number.

  He picked up on the second ring.

  “And to what do I owe the pleasure?” Luke answered in
a condescending tone.

  “Asshole as usual, I see.” I smirked. “I’m going out tonight. You want to round the boys up for a drink?”

  He laughed. “Of course I do. Have I ever turned down a night out?” He laughed. “Where do you want to meet?”

  I stared out the window in my study, looking at the hazy blue sky as a smile formed on my lips. “Costello’s at ten.”

  The plan formed in my mind as I was taking a shower. I knew I’d see her in class, but I didn’t want to wait. I just hoped she was actually working and the night wouldn’t be for nothing.

  Chapter 15


  After I got home from Mason’s condo, I cried myself to sleep. As much as I wanted to brush it off, I couldn’t. How do you let something that embarrassing go? I was literally giving myself to him, but I should have known better. Nothing good would have come out of that situation. He was my teacher, for Christ’s sake. How could I think sleeping with him was a good idea?

  The next two days went by without incident. I used my off time to go over everything we’d learned in class. Melanie noticed how closed off I was and asked if everything was okay, so I pasted a smile on my face. I didn’t want her thinking I was still upset over everything that had happened with Tim. She was the only one who knew about my run-in with the slut-bitch on Wednesday and I knew she was concerned, but I reassured her I was fine. I just needed to stay focused on school.

  After a long day of lying around and reading my law books, Friday night approached before I knew it. I had done a great job of keeping my mind busy and not thinking about what had happened Wednesday night, until Victoria called me. I knew why she was calling. I didn’t want to get into it, but I knew if I ignored her, she’d continue to call until I picked up.

  “Hey,” I said as I answered the phone.

  “Why have you not called me?” she blasted into the phone.

  I pursed my lips as I walked to the couch. “It honestly never crossed my mind. I’ve been so busy with school stuff and reading these damn textbooks.”