Professor Cline Revealed (The Professor #1) Read online

Page 14

  “Then you already know the answer.” He pulled the chair out from his desk and took a seat as he shuffled through some papers. We were all quiet as we waited for what to do next, not moving or saying a word. Then he looked up from his papers and slammed his hand down on his desk. “What are you all just sitting there for? Pick your partners and get started.”

  I jumped at his tone and picked up the stapled packet of paper in front of me.

  “Do you want to partner up?” Brian asked from beside me.

  “Sure.” I hadn’t really talked to anyone else in the class, so I didn’t see a problem in having him as a partner. “But you better bring your A game because I don’t want to look bad.”

  He smiled. “Don’t worry about that. I’m all over this,” he said as he started to flip through the pages. “Let’s start by reading the case files so we can figure out exactly what it is we’re trying to prosecute. Then we’ll go from there.”

  I nodded and looked down at my paper. I read the first paragraph, but I couldn’t concentrate. My eyes drifted up to look at Mason who was slouched over, typing something on his laptop. I couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with him, wonder why he was acting the way he was. A part of me wondered if he was upset he had to see me every day. I’m not exactly thrilled about it, either. Maybe he regretted the whole encounter and was wishing he hadn’t gone through with it. I didn’t want to have that thought flowing through my mind, but I couldn’t help but think it, especially with the way he’d looked at me when he walked into class.

  “Can you believe this case?”

  Startled out of my own thoughts, I turned to look at Brian. “What?”

  He pointed down at his paper. “This case. She had to have done it. The whole thing screams murder, but they didn’t have any substantial evidence against the wife.”

  I looked down at my own paper and scanned over it, shaking my head. “I haven’t gotten that far yet. Sorry.” There I was telling him he better bring his A game and I’m lost in my own head.

  “No worries. Hey, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to meet tomorrow sometime so we could really go over all this information. I have one class in the morning, but I’ll be out by ten.”

  “Sure, I only have one class on Tuesdays, as well, so ten would work. Do you want to meet at the library?”

  “Sounds good to me. Can I get your number to text you just in case something comes up?” He pulled his phone from his back pocket and held it down under the table, so Mason wouldn’t catch him with it, I was sure.

  “Yeah.” I read my number out to him and he programmed it into his phone.

  “Okay, let’s get back to reading this. Let’s write down our thoughts about the case and we’ll go over it tomorrow. Does that sound good?”

  I nodded, looked back down at my paper and started reading. It was hard for me to concentrate on what I was reading and not look up at Mason, but once I got a little deeper into the case, everything else disappeared. That kind of case was why I wanted to be a lawyer. The challenge was what set my determination on fire.

  Once I got three-fourths of the way done, I had almost four pages of notes written down.

  “Damn. Looks like we’ll have a lot to discuss tomorrow,” Brian said with a laugh as he pointed to my laptop screen.

  I smiled. “I told you. I don’t want to look bad.”

  I noticed everyone packing up their things and looked down at the clock on my laptop. I hadn’t even realized how long I’d been studying the case. I started grabbing my stuff and noticed Mason standing down by the door as I followed Brian down the stairs. Knots formed in my stomach as we made our way closer. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get over the feelings he stirred within me.

  Keeping my eyes downcast, I made it to the door, avoiding Mason completely until Brian turned toward me in the doorway, stopping me in my tracks. My eyes lifted up to meet Brian’s but bypassed him entirely and went straight to Mason. He was staring in my direction, but he wasn’t looking at me; he was glaring at the side of Brian’s head.

  “I’ll text you tomorrow when I get there.”

  I glanced away from Mason and looked at Brian with a smile, all the while trying to hold back the flush I knew was forming on my skin.

  “Okay, I’ll see you around ten.” I waved to him as he started his way down the hall.

  I turned to head down the hall when his voice stopped me.

  “Ms. Blake, may I speak with you for a moment?” It was a quiet voice, but commanding at the same time.

  I closed my eyes as I let his request sink in. I hated that just the sound of his voice caused a tingle to flow through my body. I should just keep walking. I didn’t want to have those reactions to him, but I had no control over them.

  Turning toward the classroom again, I glared at him as I made my way back into the room to stand just inside the threshold. The rest of the students made their exit and Mason closed the door, turning the lock as he stepped away and started to pace. I frowned as I watched him, again running a hand through his hair.

  “Did you need something, Professor?” I asked, keeping it professional. I wasn’t sure why he wanted to see me, but I knew deep down it had nothing to do with class and all to do with us personally.

  He stopped his pacing and looked toward me with a chuckle. “I’m ‘Professor’ now, am I?” He shook his head and walked toward his desk. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do, so I just stayed where I was.

  He rested his hands on his desk and stared down at it, not focusing on anything. Just staring. It was making me uncomfortable. Even though I’d done intimate things with the man, I still knew nothing about him and he seemed off-kilter at the moment.

  I took a step forward to get his attention and his head popped up to look at me. His brow was furrowed and he looked pissed.

  “Look, I’m just going to—”

  Running his arms along his desk, he swiped everything off the top before I could even finish my sentence.

  I watched as his laptop and school papers fell to the floor in a heap. Shock and fear had taken over and my ‘fight or flight’ instinct kicked in as he stalked toward me with an expression I couldn’t even explain.

  Turning toward the doorway, I quickly ran for it and reached for the knob, not remembering he’d locked the door.

  I frantically tried to unlock it, but arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me away.

  “Shhhhh,” he whispered in my ear as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

  “Let me go or I’m going to scream, asshole,” I managed to say confidently through my shaky voice.

  He let me go and I immediately turned around and glared at him. “What the fuck is your problem?” A tear fell free from my eye and I lifted a hand to wipe it away.

  I should’ve turned around and walked right out that door, but I couldn’t. I didn’t understand why I felt I needed to stay, but I did, even though I had a ball of fury brewing in my stomach.

  Lifting a hand, he rubbed at his temple before running his hand over his eyes. “I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said as he looked at me with concern, taking a step toward me. I took a step back, still not sure of his stability, and he held his hands up to me. “I’m not going to hurt you, Emma. I would never hurt you.” He walked closer to me and I stayed where I was, both staring into each other’s eyes.

  My heart raced as we stood like that, not moving. He just looked down at me and studied my face. It felt overly intimate to openly stare at him, to get a look at every flaw.

  Maybe that was what he was doing. Maybe he wanted me to get a good look at him. And although the whole encounter felt weird and out of place, I got to see more of him in that moment than he’d probably showed anyone else.

  Lifting a hand once again, he caressed my cheek and rubbed his thumb under my eye to wipe what was left of my tears. I closed my eyes and leaned into him, not being able to resist his touch on my skin. I didn’t want to have that reaction to him, but it was like he trapped me under a sp
ell. I was entranced by him every time.

  I opened my eyes to see him leaning toward me and I gasped in surprise as his lips connected with mine. I hadn’t been expecting him to kiss me, but unbeknownst to the reasonable side of my brain, I let him explore my mouth with his. I moaned as his tongue slowly caressed mine and leaned into him as one of his hands moved from my face to the back of my head, running his fingers through my hair. His kiss became urgent, fast and hard and I lifted my hands and placed them on his chest. I could feel how fast his heart was pounding, which probably matched my own.

  My need for him was almost unbearable, the ache between my legs making its presence known as it pulsated, begging to be touched. I should’ve pulled away from him and walked out after the night we’d had only three days earlier, but I was no longer in control. His hands drifted down my shoulders, to my waist, and settled on my ass. He gave me a hard squeeze then lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist, never breaking our kiss.

  I dropped my bag and draped my arms around his neck, resisting the urge to grind myself on him as he turned and walked toward his desk. I knew what was going to happen and although I knew it was wrong, that any minute we could get caught, I didn’t care. All I wanted in that moment was him. All I wanted was for him to make me feel, to bring me up so high I wouldn’t be afraid to fall.

  Setting me down on the desk, he pulled away from my swollen lips and looked into my eyes. “I haven’t been able to get you off my mind,” he admitted as he brushed hair away from my face. “I told you I was bad for you and I meant it. And the truth is you’re not good for me either, but I’m not going to be able to stay away, Emma.” He leaned down to trail kisses from my chin to my earlobe. “Tell me now if you don’t want this,” he whispered into my ear. “Because once my cock enters that sweet cunt of yours, it won’t be anyone else’s to claim.” He nipped at my earlobe and pulled away to look at me. I was panting with arousal, but after his little speech, the only thing going through my mind was him rushing me out of his house the other night.

  “Don’t treat me like a whore, Mason,” I demanded as I stared into his eyes, making sure he knew I meant every word I was about to speak. “I’m not some woman you picked up off the street. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t want this, because even though deep down I know it’s a bad idea, I still want it. But if you ever treat me the way you did the other night, this ‘cunt’, as you say, will be someone else’s to claim.”

  I couldn’t believe the words that had come out of my own mouth, but I’d meant every one. He can throw his dominance around all he wants, but I won’t stand being treated like trash.

  His sobering expression at my words turned into a grin as he leaned down to my ear. “I like that feisty mouth of yours, Emma.” He moved back, gliding his nose along my jawline before retreating completely to look into my eyes. “I’ve never been one to explain why I do the things I do, but I will tell you it was never my intention to make you feel like a whore. You’re a fine wine I want to savor.”

  I stared at his mouth as he spoke and then looked into his eyes. I had nothing else to say as he pushed me down onto this desk, trailing his hand from my shoulder to my breast as he went. When his hand reached the button to my jeans, he unsnapped them and pulled them off along with my underwear. There was nothing gentle about his actions. His eyes were filled with lust and want and it was all directed toward me.

  I rested my head against the desk and closed my eyes as he bent my legs and lowered his head. I gasped as he bit down on my clit then plunged a finger inside me before flicking my clit with his tongue. The pain and pleasuring sensations were almost too much to take, so I bit down on my lip to hold back the moans that wanted to escape. I knew I couldn’t be loud if I didn’t want to be caught.

  Grabbing onto my thighs he continued to eat me as if I was his last meal, bringing me higher and higher until I exploded. I reached down and grabbed onto his head, lacing my fingers through his hair and holding him in place as I rocked my hips up. Squeezing my eyes closed, I held my breath as that overpowering sensation flowed through my body, causing my whole body to tense. Restraining my screams of pleasure had to be one of the hardest things to do, but I managed to hold them in, exuding all my strength.

  I dropped my hands from his hair and looked up to see him licking his lips. His face glistened with my juices, and it was the sexiest sight I’d ever seen. Pulling back from me, he stood up and undid his belt and pants, dropping them to the floor to reveal his gray boxer briefs. I studied him and looked at the bulge begging to come out. I licked my own lips as I glanced away from his package and up to meet his gaze. I wanted to pleasure him, but I didn’t know how he would feel about it. I didn’t even get to see him naked the other night so I wasn’t sure if that would be allowed.

  Dropping my legs to the floor, I sat up and reached for him, but he grabbed my arms and held them behind my back, dropping his lips to meet mine. I moaned as our mouths connected, the wetness from his face rubbing all over mine. I could taste myself on his tongue and it made me kiss him harder. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and he groaned as he started to rock against me. I wanted to grab onto him, but he continued to hold my arms together, never relinquishing control.

  He broke the kiss and backed away from me, pulling me along with him. Then he spun me around and pushed me back onto the desk. My chest met the hard wood with a thump, and I cried out expectantly as his hand connected with my ass in a hard slap before turning into a moan as he gently rubbed my clit.

  This man is doing all kinds of things to mess with my head. I didn’t know whether to be pissed that he’d hit me or happy he was bringing me pleasure. After a while, it all seemed to feel the same as he built me up once again. His fingers knew exactly how to touch me, how to take me to a level of arousal I’d never known was possible.

  Just as my walls started to tighten in another overpowering orgasm, he pulled away, causing a groan to escape my lips that immediately morphed into a scream as he thrust into me without warning. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I moaned out my pleasure as he pounded into me relentlessly. I’d never had a man take me with such force. He was thrusting into me as if he couldn’t get deep enough, like he wanted to bury himself inside me. And the crazy thing was, I wanted him there. I didn’t understand it, I wasn’t even sure I was supposed to understand it, but it was more of a need than a want. I didn’t know what to think of it, so I blocked it from my mind.

  Holding my hips, he pulled me back against him with every forceful thrust. I couldn’t hold back the moans. They came out in rapid succession every single time he pushed into me. Then I felt his fingers glide through my hair and squeeze as he pulled back on my head. After a few more strokes he planted himself deep inside as he leaned against me, a moan escaping his lips.

  I breathed heavily into the desk as my hair fanned around my face, causing sweat to form on my forehead. I was hot and dazed as he finally let my hands go and pulled away from me. The thought of lifting myself up from the desk to cover myself crossed my mind, but I couldn’t move. My body felt like Jell-O, well-fucked Jell-O, and I didn’t want to move just yet.

  Then I felt his hand between my legs with a tissue, causing me to jump. Pulling myself up on my elbows, I turned my head to look at him. His eyes were focused between my legs but moved to look at me. I frowned as I realized what he was doing and panic began to set in. It didn’t even occur to me that he wasn’t wearing a condom. And since I was thinking about it, I remembered it dripping out of me the night at his place, too. How did I not realize?

  I pushed up from the desk and knocked him out of the way, noticing his pants were already on and buttoned. I reached for my underwear and jeans and quickly slipped them on.

  I turned to look at Mason who was leaning against his desk, arms folded over his chest with an amused look on his face.

  “What do you think is so funny? Why the hell didn’t you wear a condom?” I yelled, flailing my hands up, freaking out.

nbsp; He walked toward me in confident strides and lifted his hands to rest on my shoulders.

  “Calm down, Emma. You have nothing to worry about.” He said it so calmly.

  “I have nothing to worry about? Are you daft? Do you think I want to get pregnant? What the hell were you thinking?” I questioned in pure panic mode.

  “Emma, I said calm down. I had a vasectomy a long time ago, so I can’t have kids. And I can assure you I’m clean.”

  I looked at him bewildered. “Well…” I didn’t know what to say. “How do you know if I’m clean?”

  He chuckled. “You don’t seem like the kind of woman to sleep around.”

  “That’s not the point. How often do you have sex without protection? You could catch anything at any time and not know it between your check-ups. Come on, even a smart man like you should know that.” I was going to have to get checked. I knew I needed to anyway after what had happened with Tim. There was no telling what that slut had.

  “You’re right. Next time, I’ll wear a condom.

  I looked at him with a raised brow. “Next time?”

  He caressed my cheek with his fingers. “I can promise you there will be a next time, Emma.”

  I nodded in agreement, knowing I wanted there to be a next time and looked down to the floor, feeling a flush creep up onto my face.

  “Nobody can know about this, Emma,” he stated as he lifted my chin to look at him.

  I nodded again and stared at him as questions flowed through my mind, not voicing any of them.

  What is this? Are we exclusive now? Do I get to have a say in anything we do? What is his deal with control? Are we dating?

  The moment felt surreal, like at any second I’d wake up from a dream. If I were to speak, reality would set in and I didn’t want that. I wanted to live in the fantasyland, if only for a little while.

  “You should go,” he said as he dropped his hand from under my chin. “I have things I need to do before I’m able to leave.” He turned around and looked at the mess lying next to his desk then back to me.