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- J. M. La Rocca
Professor Cline Revealed (The Professor #1) Page 17
Professor Cline Revealed (The Professor #1) Read online
Page 17
I was confused. The internal battle wouldn’t go away, and it was taking over every part of my life. I was becoming too emotional. Something I wasn’t used to.
The urge to cut took over my senses just to ease the feelings coursing through my body, but the thought of her alone stopped it from happening. I stood there and stared at the worn metal, my hands shaking with the need to let it all out, but her face was all I could see. It fueled a rage inside me, not with her but at myself. I was so fucking messed-up in thinking I could change, possibly have a normal life. Nothing in my life would ever be normal. If she got too close to me I’d fuck up her life, too, and yet I still didn’t want to let her go.
The day I’d been dreading had finally arrived. I hated going to the fucking fundraisers, but I was expected to be there. John’s colleagues expected to see me, and so did the press, but not only them. The university expected me to be there, as well.
John was an important man in the city, so when he was out representing something, it was just assumed I would be there by his side. I should say ‘fuck it’ and not attend, but I wouldn’t put it past him to put my job in jeopardy. I knew he had a lot of connections, and I didn’t know how far they extended. I wasn’t willing to test it, at least not yet. If attending a few fundraisers throughout the year kept him out of my life, then I could deal with it.
I straightened my bowtie before Carlos opened my door, flashes blasting me as soon as I exited the car. That was one aspect I fucking hated, the attention I got from the press at the events. It was a cesspool of reporters, a bunch of assholes trying to get into my business.
Questions were thrown my way, but I ignored them and bypassed the red carpet entirely. I had no desire to put my face intentionally in the tabloids.
Walking up the steps into the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I passed a few people I’d met in the previous years, people with lots of money looking to schmooze it up with other snobby assholes. They were a bunch of arrogant fucks.
John used those kinds of events to network, which was actually smart of him on a disturbing level. All the political people he could ever need showed up, especially for an event against the abuse of women and children. There were a few each year that supported the rights of women, and John was a part of every single one of them.
Making my way into the museum, I headed to the gallery and straight for the bar. If I was going to stay there for a few hours, I needed something to help me through it.
“What can I get you?” the bartender asked.
“Three fingers of scotch. Dry.”
He tapped the bar and walked away to fix my drink as I turned to survey the room. The space was fully open with pillars all around, separating the different sections you could explore in the museum. It was the same location they’d had the event for the past two years.
The same people, the same drab location, the same bullshit every year. I’d need more than one drink to get through the night.
“Here you go, sir.”
I grabbed my drink, throwing it back in one swallow and closing my eyes as the burn took over my throat.
“Already chugging back the scotch, I see.”
I opened my eyes and lifted my hand toward the bartender, signaling for another round before I turned to see John.
“Gentlemen, I’d like you to meet my son, Mason,” John said as I faced him.
I looked toward the men he was referring to and held my hand out. I was always cordial even when I didn’t want to be.
“Pleasure to meet you,” I offered as I shook the first man’s hand. He was older, maybe in his late fifties.
“Calvin Stanley, and the pleasure is all mine. John speaks highly of you. I hear you are a law professor.”
“Yes, I teach criminal law at NYU,” I replied, smiling pleasantly. An act I’d perfected over the years.
“I know John’s proud,” he stated with a laugh as he slapped John on the shoulder, like they’d known each other for years. Then he turned toward the man standing beside him. “I’d like you to meet my son, Tim. He’s also with our accounting firm, Thomas & Stanley.”
Tim reached a hand out, shaking mine with a nod in introduction.
The night would be all about introductions and mindless chatter. All the men who were there to schmooze John would measure their dicks and try to out-please each other. I thought they should all just drop their pants and fuck each other because in the end, that was what was going to happen to them. They were all getting fucked and they didn’t realize how badly. Or, maybe they did. There was no telling with the men who associated themselves with the likes of John.
I noticed the woman standing next to Tim, looking me over.
“And who is this lovely woman?” I asked, using all the charm I could muster.
“Ah,” Calvin breathed as he looked toward her. “This is my assistant, Stacey.”
She reached a hand out with a seductive smile. “Pleasure to meet you.”
I grinned as I grabbed her hand, noticing the glare I was getting from Tim as I leaned down and kissed it.
This should be fun.
“The pleasure is all mine.” I smiled and let go of her hand.
“So, Mason. Why teaching? Why not join the business with your father. Surely you’ve noticed all of his success,” Calvin questioned.
I hated pricks who tried to get into my business. It was the kind of question I was asked all the time, and it had gotten to the point where I was beginning to sound like a broken record and I wanted to start making up stories. Or at least stories they wouldn’t necessarily believe.
I looked away from Calvin and glanced at John who was watching me expectantly. He’d tried on many occasions to talk me into joining the firm. He knew it was wasted breath, but did it anyway. Often times I thought he did it for show, just so others would see he wanted me there when deep down it was the furthest thing from the truth. I was sure he knew if I worked there, I’d try to sabotage him in some way, which didn’t sound like such a bad idea.
“Your drink, sir.”
I turned to see another drink placed on the bar and picked it up, turning back toward Calvin.
“I’d always wanted to teach. Yes, John is a well-known attorney, but I want to teach my students to be better.”
I lifted the tumbler to my lips and took a drink of my scotch as I let my words sink in. John had heard me speak the same words on multiple occasions so it was nothing new to him.
Calvin looked to John with raised eyebrows. “Well then, sounds to me like all he’s doing is building gladiators to work for you one day, John,” he said, causing everyone to laugh except me.
“What’s so funny?”
I looked to the side of John and met chestnut eyes. I didn’t realize she was there, but I should have expected it. She was his fiancée, after all.
“Ah, sweetheart. You’ve been gone for a while.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek as she continued to stare at me.
“This place is so big. It took me a little while just to find the lady’s room,” she said with a smile, finally breaking eye contact to look at John.
He smiled back at her and gestured toward the others. “Calvin, Tim, Stacey, I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Rachel Simmons.”
They smiled and exchanged pleasantries as I chugged the rest of my scotch.
“Slow down, son, or you won’t be standing by the end of the night.” John chuckled.
I half-scoffed, half-laughed. “That’s the plan.” I placed the glass back on the bar and raised a hand to the bartender once again. Pretty soon he’d get the hint to keep refilling.
The men laughed and I glared at Rachel as she looked me over. It was rare we were ever in the same room together. We’d met a few years before at a dinner party John was throwing, and I’d had no idea who she was at the time. She’d made eyes with me the entire night and I could see the lust in them. I’d taken it upon myself to seek her out that night. It was what I did in situations I didn’t want to
be in. I used the sex as an escape. She was a willing participant and I took advantage of it.
I’d trapped her in the hallway of John’s home and pushed her against the wall to see her reaction. I could tell instantly that she wanted me just by the moan that escaped her lips when her back hit the wall. She had no idea what she was getting herself into, but she willingly came with me when I dragged her into a spare room down the hall from the party John was throwing.
There was no kissing, no foreplay, only fucking.
I’d pushed her onto the bed and hiked her dress up, throwing my suit jacket over the top part of her body. I didn’t have a blindfold, so that was the best I could do in the situation.
Then I fucked her and she enjoyed every minute of it, as did I.
It wasn’t until a little while later when I was about to leave that John introduced me to her as his girlfriend. She was half his age, but I knew what type of woman she was. She was after the lifestyle, the money, and fame.
I never slept with the same woman twice, but just the idea of fucking John’s girlfriend gave me a sick taste of satisfaction. He fucked up my life, so I fucked something that was his. It was wrong on so many levels, but it gave me a sick sense of satisfaction that she wanted to come back for more. It just proved that dear old Dad wasn’t taking care of what was his.
A part of me suspected he knew about it and yet, he never said a word. Not even after he’d proposed. I actually didn’t think he minded sharing her, which was fucked-up, and yet I wasn’t surprised.
The men droned on about Calvin joining in John’s business, discussing some of the things they’d need to do to get paperwork finalized, but I knew exactly what they were talking about.
I could only think of one reason why John would want to use an outside accountant source when he had multiple under his roof already.
The bastard wasn’t as slick as he thought.
Turning toward the bar, I noticed my tumbler was filled and grabbed it. I was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol and it lessened my need to get the fuck out of there.
That was until I looked toward the entrance.
Fuck me.
Chapter 24
It took Melanie and I almost three hours to get ready before we finally walked into the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the charity event. It was the first time I’d been to museum and wondered why the heck it had taken me so long to step foot inside.
On the way to the museum, Melanie had told me it would be the first time she’d attended this specific event. Although she’d accompanied John to other events, she’d never been to one of that magnitude.
“Wow, they really go all out, don’t they?” I said to Melanie as I continued to look around.
Everyone was dressed to the nines in beautiful gowns and tuxedos. I was thankful Melanie had offered to pay for half of my dress or I wouldn’t have shown up to the event at all. Trying to shop in New York for dresses was like trying to pay off my student loans.
Melanie chose a black strapless one with a sweetheart neckline and rhinestones decorating the bodice, which flowed out into chiffon material. It was beautiful on her and fit just right.
She also picked out my dress. She said I needed to be more daring and once I tried on the dress, I knew it was the one. It was a little more risqué than what I probably would have selected for myself, but I needed to live a little. The dress was a floor-length strapless chiffon sweetheart, almost like Melanie’s, but the design was different. The top was cut lower and it was more form-fitting around the hips than hers. I also had no rhinestones. The chiffon bunched around the bodice then flared out into the skirt. But the best part was the slit up my left leg, which went all the way to the top of my thigh. It was daring and so unlike me and I loved it. Melanie wouldn’t let me leave without it, so we purchased it together.
She left her hair down in soft waves and helped me do a half up-do with some curls. And we both wore very little makeup. The dresses spoke loud enough, so we didn’t need to cake on the makeup, too.
“It’s great, isn’t it? We’ll have to come back one day so you can get a tour. I loved coming when I first moved here. I just haven’t had time lately, but we’ll make time,” she said as she looked at me with a smile. “We need to hang out some more. I was so excited for you to be in the same city as me, and it’s like we never even see each other.”
She gave me a sad face and I laughed.
“I know, but you’re always busy. I know John is a demanding boss.”
She rolled her eyes. “Speaking of John, I need to find him. He told me he had someone he wanted me to meet when I got here,” she explained as she looked around the room. “Oh, there he is.” She gestured with her head.
I looked in the direction and locked eyes with piercing blue ones.
“Hot damn, your professor is here, too.”
My heart raced as I kept my eyes on his. I wasn’t expecting to see him and wondered if Melanie knew he would be there. He hadn’t talked to me since Wednesday when he’d called me out in class to go over my case. Embarrassing me to the point of tears. I didn’t understand how he could go from showing me so much passion and lust to treating me as if he wished I didn’t exist. I felt like he was juggling with my emotions, but I was letting it happen. I couldn’t seem to get him out of my head, but I had to stand up for myself. Letting him treat me that way was unacceptable. He’d said I would be his, that he couldn’t get me out of his head, but then he’d pushed me away.
I didn’t want to play his game and I knew I just needed to move on. At least, that was what I kept telling myself.
We made our way over to the group standing next to the bar, all deep in conversation except for Mason and the woman standing closest to him. I averted my eyes from Mason’s to look her over. She was tall, blonde, and dressed in a royal blue, silk halter dress. She was beautiful and I noticed her eyes kept drifting to Mason, who was still staring at me.
“I’m going to need a drink,” I whispered to Melanie as we came to a stop by the group. I was right beside Mason and kept my eyes to the floor as if there was something more interesting happening down there. Being with him in a public setting was the hardest part for me. How was I not supposed to stare at him? Or blush?
I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye and then felt a touch on the side of my hip. I lifted my head up and looked at Mason, but he was turned toward the bartender. I wondered if he’d touched me on purpose.
I bit my lip and looked up to see the blonde glaring at me. A sense of unease knotted up my stomach. I wasn’t sure what her problem was, but I could tell immediately we definitely wouldn’t be becoming best friends.
“Melanie, there you are. I have someone I’d like you to meet.”
Melanie grabbed my arm as soon as John started to speak, and when I looked up I knew why.
Tim stood there with Stacey the slut and his father Calvin. I could feel my face go slack as we looked at each other. I hadn’t seen him since the day I’d gone to the apartment to get my things, and an ache I’d thought had long passed rose to the surface.
I furrowed my brow and swayed a little on my heels as I stepped away from the group, walking to the other side of Mason to get the bartender’s attention. I’d leave my sister to do her thing and question her later on whether or not she knew he’d be here.
I flagged the bartender down and ordered a chocolate martini. I needed alcohol and chocolate, and there was no better way than to have them together.
“Ms. Blake.”
I didn’t turn to look at him because I could feel him standing next to me. It confused me yet again. Why could I not get a clear read from the man?
“Mr. Cline,” I replied.
“You feeling okay? You look slightly pale.”
“Are you asking out of concern, Mr. Cline? Or are you trying to make small talk?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the bartender.
“Ah, there’s the feistiness I love.”
I turn
ed to glare at him and looked down to see exactly how close he was standing next to me as he leaned on the bar. It would definitely look inappropriate to anyone who knew I was his student.
“Should you really be standing this close to me, Mr. Cline? We wouldn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea, now would we?” I raised my brow.
We stared at each other for a few moments until my drink was placed in front of me. I turned away from him and grabbed it, taking a big sip to calm my nerves.
“If I didn’t know any better, Ms. Blake, I’d say you were unhappy with me.”
I turned and glowered at him. “You’re so perceptive.”
“Em, come here for a moment,” Melanie called to me. I turned toward her, plastering a smile on my face, but not before noticing Mason grin at me. “Mr. Cline, I’d like you to meet my sister, Emmalynn.”
I looked toward John and put a bright smile on my face. I’d told Melanie to introduce me to other well-known attorneys, so I needed to be grateful for the opportunity. Thus I needed to ignore the fact that my lying, cheating ex was within ten feet of me with his new slut and the man I was currently having sex with was standing right next to me.
“It’s good to finally meet you, Emmalynn,” he said as he clasped my hand. “I hear you’re also one of Mason’s students.” He smiled and let go of me.
I nodded. “Yes, sir. He’s my criminal law professor.”
“And what do you think of Emmalynn so far, Mason?” John asked.
I looked toward Mason, wanting to narrow my eyes at him, but refrained. I could feel the sheen of sweat coat my forehead as I waited for him to answer.
“She’s definitely one you’re going to have to watch out for.” He smiled and looked down at me.
Out of all the things he could have said, I didn’t expect him to say that after what had happened on Wednesday.