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My Beautiful Page 23

  Frank led the way and headed toward the woods to the left, followed by Paul, then me. Two other guys followed behind us, but I had no idea who they were. I didn’t really feel compelled to get to know them either.

  “We made a trail through the woods to get to Vic’s house yesterday. Trent, the rat, pointed out a portion of the backyard that can’t be monitored by their security system, and this will lead us right to it. Once we get to that point, we’ll wait until eight before we start heading through the field.”

  “Why at that specific time?” I asked him confused.

  He turned and smiled at me. “It’s shift change. Trent said they always go in before the next shift comes out to relieve them, and we witnessed it firsthand last night.” He shook his head. “It really is a dick move on their part, especially with them having Scarlett there. They should be on high alert, but like we told you before, neither Bryce nor Vic would expect you to come to us, so they aren’t being proactive at the moment.”

  “How is it that he knows all of this?”

  Paul just laughed. “Because he’s the one that runs the security inside the house. That’s how we’ll be able to sneak in through the back door. He’s making sure it stays unlocked.”

  Well, that made sense. I just really hoped this Trent guy wasn’t double teaming and throwing us under the bus.

  We walked for about fifteen minutes before we saw the clearing. The sun hadn’t fully set, so the sky was giving off a pinkish-orange color, but it was dark enough in the woods where we were, so we couldn’t be seen.

  “Okay,” Frank spoke softly. “It’s almost eight.” He looked on toward the house. “There is a guy standing there and another there.” He pointed toward each corner of the house where the security stood. “Once they go in, we make our move,” he said directly to Paul.

  Paul nodded his head and looked over at me. “You follow behind me. Ben and Ty will cover your back.” He nodded toward the other guys.

  I nodded back to Paul, not even bothering to acknowledge Ben or Ty. I looked on toward the house and thought about Scarlett. She was my only focus and I wanted to keep it that way. I knew she was probably scared out of her mind, and just thinking about it fuelled the fire in the pit of my stomach.

  Frank looked down at his watch, then back toward the house. We all followed his line of view and saw the men moving.

  “Show time, boys.”

  Everyone had a gun drawn except me, so I reached behind me and pulled mine out as Frank slowly stepped out into the field. The grass was long and made a swooshing sound every time we took a step, so I walked diligently, trying not to make a sound. But to my best effort, it wasn’t working.

  Darting my eyes left and right, I looked around for any kind of movement and readied myself to shoot. I was not prepared to shoot anyone, but if I had to choose between someone else’s life and my own, I would choose mine. There was only one person I’d take a bullet for and that was Scarlett. No questions asked. But right then, out in that open field, it was fair game.

  My heart was pounding and sweat dripped down my face and neck. It was hot and humid, and the nervous adrenaline running through my body wasn’t helping.

  I looked up at the house as we slowly made our approach. I wasn’t paying attention before, but this house was a huge two-story colonial. I immediately looked at all possible exits on the first floor, from the back, but all I could see were the windows and one door.

  Frank quietly crept up to the back door and we all flattened our bodies against the house. He turned and looked at us giving a nod, indicating he was about to open the door.

  This is it. It’s all or nothing.

  Frank reached out his hand to test the knob. It turned and he opened it.

  The door gave a small squeak as it opened and he quickly looked around for any movement. I had my gun ready just in case.

  Frank quietly walked in and we all followed.

  We walked into an unlit kitchen and made our way around an island so we wouldn’t be noticed. Frank pointed to the doorway and nodded his head to us. I guess I was to assume that was the way we would head, since straight through the kitchen was what looked to be a sitting area that had people in it. He lifted his hand, pointed to his eyes and then back at us to remind us to keep our eyes open. I didn’t need reminding.

  Slowly, we made our way to the entryway of the kitchen with our guns up ready to shoot. I could hear guys talking. It didn’t sound like anything in particular; the foreboding feel of guilt washed over me at the realization that these men wouldn’t live to see tomorrow. Even though I knew most of the men had probably killed or had done their fair share of misdoings, it still didn’t sit well with me.

  I looked on as Frank gave us one more look before he walked through the hallway into the sitting area. Shots fired immediately, and one-by–one, I saw bodies start to fall. He fired off shots faster than they were able to reach their weapons.

  Paul walked to the side of me and fired at the men running down the hall. I had to move to the side to dodge bullets that were flying past my body. I turned to see Ben and Ty to my left firing shots into the sitting area, not paying attention to the other side of the hallway.

  “Watch out,” I yelled. But it was too late.

  Two guys, with guns drawn, came barreling down the hallway. They fired off some shots catching Ben in the shoulder and Ty in the neck, as one zipped right past my head. With my arm already raised, my immediate reaction was to pull the trigger, hitting one guy in the chest and the other in the shoulder.

  Fuck. That was close.

  I turned and looked toward Ty who was now lying on the ground with a hole in his neck. His eyes were glazed over and blood was oozing out, producing a puddle on the floor. Ben stepped over his body, only glancing at him for a moment before he started firing off shots at the men who were shooting at us from down the hall.

  I needed to get the fuck out of the line of fire. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins, giving me a fucking high, causing my body to shake. I didn’t look to see if I had killed the two guys I shot, but I didn’t have to. After Ben ceased firing shots down the hall, I turned and heard two shots go off where the men were moaning in pain.

  “Motherfuckers!” I heard him yell. I knew then that he finished what I wouldn’t have been able to.

  I looked over the carnage in the sitting area, then over to my right where Frank had been. They had already started moving down the hallway, so I quickly followed as Ben walked closely behind me with blood running down his arm.

  I could hear Vic’s men yelling from across the house, some yelling to evacuate, and some yelling to get their weapons. I couldn’t help but think that at least the boys surrounding the perimeter wouldn’t get bored. I knew it was a bad thing to have run through my mind at the moment, but that’s exactly what popped into my head. It was either them or us and I kept repeating that in my head along with Scarlett’s name.

  We needed to get to that fucking room. There was no telling what kind of condition Kevin might have left her in. As we got closer to the next hallway that led into a huge living area, I looked to my right and that’s when I saw him. Kevin had slowly walked out of a door against the far left wall. It looked like the fucker was trying to sneak out. My suspicion was confirmed when he saw me.

  I knew he’d try to make a run for it. Without thinking, I ran after him as he started to make a break for it. As I was running after him, I felt a hot burning sensation in my arm. I knew a bullet tore through my skin, but the throbbing pain went away as soon as I tackled Kevin to the floor and my adrenaline took over.

  He fell back, hitting his head on the hard wood, with me landing on top of him. We must have hit a table on the way down because there were broken pieces of glass all over the floor.

  Pushing myself up from his chest, I raised my fist and pounded him in the face. “You mother fucking … piece … of … shit.” I gave him blow after blow as he struggled to dodge my punches.

  Lifting up his leg,
he hooked it around my chest and sent me flying backwards. I wasn’t sure how the fuck he was able to do that, but I was sure he had plenty of training with the FBI. I quickly got to my feet, but he was already coming toward me. He jabbed his shoulder into my gut and knocked me up against the wall. I lost my breath for a minute and thought I was going to black out. I could feel myself starting to slip down the wall and then I heard a squeal.

  Looking up through my haze of pain, I saw Kevin grab on to Scarlett’s arm. “How the fuck did you get up here?”

  “Oh my God, Bryce, what did you do, what did you do?” She was yelling and pounding Kevin in the chest with her free arm. I saw her try to pull away, but Kevin wouldn’t let her go.

  “Let go of me, Bryce, Now! Just let me go.” She was yelling and crying hysterically.

  I finally got my balance, just as Kevin raised his hand, slapping Scarlett in the face. “Settle the fuck down. You’re coming with me. We need to get the fuck out of here.”

  Anger I never felt before built up from the pit of my stomach. I ran toward him with a roar, knocking Scarlett out of the way. I lifted him up by the shirt and started banging his head against the wall. I warned him; there was no going back. I wanted to bash his skull in. He hurt what was mine and I growled in anger every time his head hit the wall. I was determined to end his life.

  “Stop. Kade, stop. You’re going to kill him. Please, stop.” Scarlett was banging on my back and trying to pull me away.

  I finally took a breath and slowly looked toward her. I immediately let go of Kevin who fell to the floor. I grabbed her, pulling her into my arms, holding her as she cried. “I’m so sorry, Scarlett. I love you so fucking much. I’m so sorry, for everything.” I pulled her from my chest to get a look at her face. Her lip was busted and her cheek was already starting to bruise. “I’m so sorry, beautiful.” I lifted my hand and wiped the tears away from her face, just as her eyes widen in shock.

  “No!” she yelled.

  I turned to see Kevin standing up, bracing himself against the wall holding my gun. I hadn’t even realized I dropped it when I attacked him. I was so focused on beating the fucking shit out of him that the gun never even crossed my mind.

  “It’s over, Kade.”

  Everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

  Scarlett was screaming as I pushed her behind me. Kevin pulled the trigger and just as the shot went off, I saw him recoil. I turned to see Frank a few feet away with his smoking gun pointed at Kevin. Then I looked up at the wall where the bullet from my gun had entered. He fired his shot just as the bullet hit his chest, throwing his aim off and saving my ass.

  Frank looked at me, then to Scarlett. “It’s done. We need to get out of here … now.”

  “Oh my God, is he dead?” Scarlett ran to Kevin who was lying unconscious on the floor.

  I went to her and pulled her up away from him. The bullet wound to his chest was pouring out blood. It looked to be more in his shoulder than his chest. “I don’t know, but we need to get out of here.”

  She started to panic. “We can’t just leave him here.”

  “We can and we will.” Frank stated. “Now let’s get our asses out of here. Some of the men who escaped called in reinforcements. We need to get the fuck out of here.”

  Grabbing Scarlett by the hand, I pulled her toward me as I followed Frank, but she was in shock and was starting to stumble. I turned toward her and hooked one arm behind her back and the other under her legs, lifting her up against my chest. I hissed as a searing pain shot up my arm. I forgot I was shot. It throbbed with every step I took, but there was no way I was putting Scarlett down.

  Her body was shaking and she was sobbing into my neck. “It’ll be okay, beautiful. I promise. You’re safe now,” I tried to reassure her. But it was no use. All the adrenaline and fear had taken over her body. I needed to get her the fuck out of there.

  We made our way out of the house and into the field. Paul and Ben jogged ahead, but there was no way I was willing to jolt Scarlett in my arms, so I kept to fast walking. Frank stayed at my side.

  “Did you get Vic?” I asked, glancing over at him.

  He looked at me, nodded once, and then started looking around the land.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled, “for helping me get her back.” I squeezed Scarlett closer to my chest and then looked back at Frank.

  He looked at me and smiled. How he could smile was beyond me, but he did.

  “We’re family, Nick, and don’t forget it. You may not want to be anything like me, but we still have the same blood running through our veins.”

  As we got closer to the woods, Frank picked up his pace to meet up with Paul who was pressing Ben’s shirt against his shoulder wound. I was amazed that neither Frank nor Paul got hurt, but I guess I shouldn’t have been; it was their way of life.

  Scarlett stirred in my arms as I entered the woods.

  “Where are we going?” she muttered.

  I looked down at her and smiled. All the adrenaline that was flowing through my body was dissipating and I could feel my body growing weak. But the sight of her in my arms made everything I had been through worthwhile. I could finally get my life back on track and spend it with her, if she’d let me.

  “I’m taking you home.”

  The ride to Scarlett’s place was quiet, except for the few phone calls Frank made to his men. He needed to make sure they’d left the premises and told them that reinforcements had been called. He didn’t want anyone else to get hurt since they had lost Ty.

  I pulled my phone out to send Jules a text.

  Kade: We r on our way 2 ur apt with Scarlett.

  Jules: Thank God, I’m on my way now.

  I wanted her to have enough time to get there from Brent’s. I mentally prepared myself for the wrath we would meet when we arrived. I knew once Jules saw her, she would probably go bat-shit crazy on me.

  Looking down at Scarlett sleeping in my arms, I pulled her closer. I was so thankful that we were able to get her out of there, but those fucking marks on her face pissed me off. She was definitely going to have a bruise on her face and it would only be a reminder of all the shit she went through because of me.

  I bit the inside of my cheek to stop the moan that wanted to escape as the pain in my arm started to worsen. My wounded arm throbbed as I held her against my chest, but I wouldn’t move and disturb her sleep. She needed to rest. I would deal with my arm later.

  It was past ten at night by the time we finally got to the apartment. Paul pulled the SUV into the complex and parked next to Jules’ car.

  “I’ll get your door,” Frank said as he opened his door and got out.

  I tightened my hold on Scarlett as he opened my door. My arm burned as I used the damaged muscle to hold her against me, and I grunted in pain as I stepped out of the SUV with her in my arms.

  “Are you going to be alright?” Frank asked, eyeing my arm. He had patched it up the best he could before we got into the SUV. He had said he didn’t want me bleeding all over the interior. After the ride to Scarlett’s apartment, it was bleeding through the bandage.

  “Yeah, l’m fine,” I said through gritted teeth. “Just get the doors for me.”

  We walked into the building and made our way up the stairs. I was feeling slightly faint as I finally made it to their door. Frank knocked and the door immediately opened.

  Jules stood there with a shocked look on her face. “Oh my God, what the hell happened to her, Kade?” She yelled at me. Then her eyes traveled down to my bloody arm. “What the fuck happened?”

  “Not now, Jules. Just let us through so I can put her in her bed,” I said breathlessly. She needed to get out of the way before I dropped her.

  Jules moved to the side and let us through. Frank followed behind me without a word.

  I walked into Scarlett’s room and placed her on the bed. A moan escaped her mouth as her eyes fluttered open. “Kade?”

  She tried to sit up, but I pushed her back down. “You ne
ed to rest.”

  “And you need to get the fuck out,” Jules said sternly from behind Frank and me. I turned to see her in a defensive stance with her hands on her hips. She was pissed and probably a little scared because she didn’t know what happened. I knew she would be, but I couldn’t help but stand there and stare at her with a shocked expression on my face as she told us to get the fuck out. Frank had a smirk on his face, which only told me he found her display amusing. “I don’t want to have to repeat myself. Get the fuck out of my house or I’ll call the cops.”

  “There’s no need for that. We were just leaving.” Frank walked past Jules giving her a nod and left the room, but not before giving her a smile that I’m sure gave her the creeps. The man really knew how to get under people’s skin.

  “That goes for you too, Kade. Get out. Don’t call. Don’t text. Don’t come around here, until she makes the first move. I’m speaking for her in this situation. You’re lucky I didn’t call the cops. I should have called the fucking cops.” She let out an exasperated sigh. “Just get out, Kade. Now.”

  I felt defeated. I wanted to stay with Scarlett, but she was right. I needed to wait for her to make the first move. I had put her through so much in just a short period of time, just like last time. I couldn’t push her. I wanted us to work, but the ball was in her court.

  I turned and looked at Scarlett as she laid there on the bed watching us, not saying a word. I knew she had to be thinking the same thing as Jules if she wasn’t speaking up for me. I took that as my cue to leave, but not before I said one last thing to her.

  “I love you, Scarlett. No matter what happens from here on out, just remember that I love you. I never meant for any of this to happen and I hope you know that.” I turned and walked out of her room and out of her life. I wasn’t sure if it was for good or not, but either way, leaving her lying on that bed hurt like hell.

  I walked outside to the SUV and dreaded having to get back in there with them. I just wanted it to be done. I needed to go to the emergency room. I felt weak and tired. The adrenaline crash and blood loss were starting to get to me.