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Professor Cline: Redeemed (Professor #2) Page 3

  I brought the glass to my lips and threw back the liquid in one gulp. The burn almost taking my breath away, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feeling as it went down.

  My life was one big, fucked-up mess, and I’d been putting off my idea for over a week. It was time to get things rolling.

  Reaching into the pocket of my slacks, I pulled out my phone to look up Victor’s number. It was time for me to set-up an appointment so we could catch up.



  I sat around the apartment for most of the afternoon while I waited for Melanie to arrive home from work. I tried to read over the lecture and write more notes, but focusing on schoolwork was futile. My mind kept drifting back to Mason.

  Maybe I should have stayed to listen to what he had to say. But would it really have mattered?

  A part of me wanted to say no, but deep down I knew that was a lie. Maybe it was the forbidden aspect of the situation that made it seem exciting, fresh, and new. There was just something about him that called to me. It was like nothing I’d experienced before, even with Tim, and we were together for three years.

  I didn’t understand it, and that was what scared me the most. He had a pull on me that I felt like I had no control over. And most of the time, I had no self-control when he was near. It was freeing, but dangerous for my heart. I knew if I let myself get wrapped up in all things Mason, my heart would end up being crushed, more so than it was with Tim.

  Mason said he wasn’t the ‘ever after’ kind of guy, and I believed every word.

  Melanie arrived home a little after six, which was later than I was expecting, but with her schedule, she was lucky to get off that early. By the time we both got ready and were able to leave, it was past seven-thirty. We didn’t arrive to the restaurant until eight, and I was starving.

  “I hope to God it doesn’t take long for us to be seated. I can feel my stomach trying to eat itself,” I whispered to Mel as we walked into the restaurant.

  She turned and looked at me with one of her ‘are you serious’ faces. “That doesn’t even make sense,” she said as we waited to speak to the hostess. “And stop complaining. Most nights, I don’t even get to eat until nine or ten. You should get used to it; you’ll be going through the same thing before long.”

  I sighed as she turned to speak to the hostess and looked around. I’d never been to Diablo’s before, so I wasn’t sure what kind of place Mel was taking me to. Everywhere I looked, people were dressed in business attire and deep in conversation, like they’d just left their office and came straight over to finish business.

  Mel turned toward me with a smile and guided me to take a seat at one of the chairs against the wall.

  “It’s about a forty-five-minute wait,” she said with a sympathetic look.

  “I guess it could be worse.” I laid my hand on my growling stomach and looked around to see if anyone had heard it. I shouldn’t have skipped lunch. It wasn’t like I was so occupied that I forgot; I was just too busy daydreaming.

  I turned to ask Mel about getting a menu to glance over, but noticed her straining her neck to stare at the occupants in the dining area.

  “Uh, are you looking for someone?” I asked as I looked around with her.

  She shrugged. “No.”

  She sat back in her seat and I followed suit, watching her wandering eyes as we sat in silence.

  She’s acting weird.

  I eyed her suspiciously as she fidgeted in her seat. When she looked up again, I saw her eyebrow rise as she stared straight ahead. It was her tell that she thought something was interesting.

  Following her line of sight, I saw a good-looking guy taking an order at one of the tables.

  “Who’s the guy?”

  She turned to me quickly and said, “Who?”

  I smiled and nodded in the direction of the guy. “The guy you’re drooling over.”

  She scoffed and looked up toward his retreating back. “I’m not drooling over any guys.”

  I stared at her and waited for her to turn back to me. When she did, I smiled.

  She sighed. “Okay, fine. I’ve been here before, and the guy’s kind of hot.”

  “Is that why you wanted to come here tonight?”

  She laughed. “Well, there’s nothing like dinner with a view, right?”

  I laughed as well, shaking my head at her. I was about to come back with a retort when I heard a throat clear beside me.

  “Well, isn’t this a surprise.”

  Mr. Stanley, Mr. Cline, Tim, and some guy I’d never met before had just walked in the door.

  I reached over and grabbed Mel’s arm. This could not seriously be happening. Of all the places to have dinner, this was ridiculous.

  “Hello, Mr. Stanley.”

  “Surprise, indeed,” Mr. Cline stated as he walked over to stand next to Mr. Stanley. “Are you waiting to be seated?” he asked Melanie.

  I turned and looked at her to wait for her reply as she glanced over his group. She had to know that the last thing I wanted to do was eat in the same restaurant as Tim and his dad.

  “Well, actually,” she said before clearing her throat, “we were just talking about going somewhere else because the wait is too long.”

  Relief washed over me and even though I was starving, I could wait three more hours to eat if I had to, in order to get out of there.

  I stood from my seat, smoothing out the skirt I’d worn, and looked up to meet Tim’s gaze. He’d moved closer since they’d walked in the door, and I turned toward Melanie to avoid his stare.

  “Nonsense, come share a table with us,” Mr. Cline suggested.

  “No, really, we’d never intrude on a business meeting.” Melanie stated as she, too, stood from her seat.

  “I insist, and anyway, it would be good for you actually. I should have had Margaret schedule this meeting with you, as well,” he said as he started walking away. “Plus, we already have a table and you’re here. Two birds, one stone, yeah?”

  He looked back with a brief smile then said something to the hostess that made her look toward us before walking away. Mr. Cline followed behind the girl along with Mr. Stanley, and I assumed we were expected to follow.

  I turned to Melanie who gave me a sympathetic look.

  “What the hell was that?” I whisper-yelled.

  “What? What do you want me to do? He insisted, and he’s my boss. I can’t just walk out and not accept his invitation.”

  I groaned and heard a chuckle, not realizing Tim and the other guy I didn’t know were still standing close to us, waiting for us to join them.

  I glared at Tim and his smile disappeared.

  “Look at it this way. You won’t have to pay for dinner,” Mel whispered as she grabbed my arm and guided me into the restaurant.

  I’d rather pay.

  The dining area had a calming tone with white, beige, and taupe colors around the room. I was sure it was to give the occupants a sense of ease and relaxation as they dined, but ease and relaxation wasn’t something I was feeling at the moment. The anxiety of having to sit at the table with Tim and his dad was bubbling in my stomach, telling me to run as far away as possible.

  We reached a round, white linen-covered table on the far side of the room. Mr. Cline and Mr. Stanley were already seated, so Melanie grabbed the seat next to Mr. Cline. I took the one next to her, hoping the guy I didn’t know would sit next to me, but I knew I wouldn’t be that lucky.

  Tim sat next to me, and I tried not to let it bother me. To say I was over everything that had happened between us would be a lie. I’d spent three years of my life loving him, and then he’d thrown my love in my face. Deep down, I knew it was all for the best because my feelings for him had dwindled over the past year, but I was still hurt that he cheated on me and didn’t regret it when he was caught.

  That fact alone made me want to punch him in the face as he sat down.

  I turned to look at Melanie, and she gave me a sympathetic smil
e. I could be mad, but it wasn’t really her fault. I completely understood why she didn’t back away from Mr. Cline’s offer to join him for dinner. Having a job working with the most powerful attorney in New York didn’t come often, and I knew she didn’t want to jeopardize her position. She could easily be cast aside for some hotshot newbie wanting to make a name for themselves.

  “You owe me,” I said, leaning toward her to whisper in her ear.

  She ignored me as she listened to Mr. Cline talking, but I knew she heard me.

  “How have you been?” I heard Tim ask as I leaned back from Melanie.

  I ignored him as the waiter came to the table to get our drink order.

  “Come on, you can’t ignore me all night,” he said softly as he leaned in to me.

  I smiled slightly and turned toward him. “On the contrary. That’s exactly what I plan on doing.” He smiled big as if I’d just challenged him, which was exactly what I’d done. My smile fell. I knew better. I knew his games. “Could you please just leave me alone?” I whispered. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough? You could at least do me the favor of pretending I’m not here.”

  “I could never do that. Not with you.”

  I furrowed my brow at his comment. Not with me? What the hell did that even mean? That was exactly what he did with me.

  “I’m surprised to see that Stacey isn’t with you. I didn’t realize she knew how to dislodge herself from your ass.”

  He chuckled. “We’re actually not together anymore.”

  That earned a surprised look from me. “Trouble in paradise already? I’m actually surprised.” The waiter placed our drinks in front of us, and I grabbed my wine and took a sip. “I'm sad for you, really. You were perfect for each other,” I said in a bitter tone.

  He laughed and shook his head before meeting my gaze. "Something is different about you. You were never this forward in the years we were together."

  "I've grown, Tim. Life is too short to try and make myself perfect for someone else.”

  I’d learned a lot from our breakup. When Tim and I first met, I was young and naïve. I liked him, and I wanted him to like me just as much. I changed myself for him. It wasn’t intentional; it was more out of self-doubt. I had no confidence in myself back then, but I finally knew better. Maybe that was why things had changed for us along the way. Our relationship had been based on a lie. I wasn’t who I perceived to be, and neither was he.

  “I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did, and I’m sorry I hurt you.” The look on his face proved to me that his words were genuine, but it was a little too late, in my opinion.

  I looked toward Mr. Cline who was talking to Melanie about some case they were both working, while Mr. Stanley was giving me a death glare. I knew he didn’t like me; I could tell by the way he talked to me. It was just another thing I ignored while I was with Tim. He never stood up for me when it came to his father, but I never pushed the issue, either. I just figured it was because he didn’t know me, but as time went on, I realized that wasn’t it. He just genuinely didn’t care for me, but I never knew why. He made me feel uncomfortable and unsure of myself.

  I looked away from him and back to his son. “I really don’t think we should be having this discussion at a business meeting.”

  “Then have dinner with me tomorrow night.”

  I had just taken a sip of my wine and nearly choked on it. Placing my glass down, I grabbed my napkin and wiped my mouth. He couldn’t be serious. Was he asking me out? Like, on a date?

  “Thank you, Melanie. Remind me next time not to leave you out of any other meetings.” I turned toward Mr. Cline to see him smiling at my sister. “And you, Emma. It’s Emma, right?” I nodded with a smile. “How’s my son treating you?”

  “Great,” I responded with a wider smile, grasping my hands in my lap. “He’s a great teacher.”

  “I’m surprised to see you out, actually,” stated Mr. Stanley sarcastically, with a chuckle. “Don’t law students usually become hermits, omitting any type of social life?”

  I could hear the bite in his tone and bit the inside of my cheek to refrain from asking him what the hell he meant by that.

  “Emma has always been good about managing her time and putting school first,” Melanie answered for me. “But you are right. Usually there isn’t much time for a social life, but she still manages a little fun.” She turned and looked at me with a smile, and I held back the frown that was working its way onto my face. I had no idea what she was trying to say, and just as I was about to lean in and quietly ask her what the heck she was doing, I heard my phone chime.

  “You should always make time for yourself no matter what. Does that mean you’re seeing someone?” Mr. Cline asked as I pulled my phone from my purse and read the text displayed on the screen.

  Meet me at the Bethesda fountain at 9 tonight. I’ll be waiting for you. - Mason

  I bit my lip to try and suppress my smile. The text was completely unexpected, and I shouldn’t have been as excited as I felt that he’d texted me. I did wonder, however, how he got my number, but I’d worry about that later.

  “Yes, actually,” I said with a smile as I looked up to meet Mr. Cline’s gaze. “I am seeing someone.” I tried not to blush as I placed my phone back in my purse.

  “So, Mr. Stanley,” Melanie started, changing the subject, and I was all too grateful.

  Their voices slowly faded to mumbles as I stared at the table and went over the words of the text in my mind. I knew exactly where he wanted to meet. It was my favorite spot in Central Park, but I was having an internal battle with myself on whether I should meet him or not.

  I placed my order with the waiter as he came back around and kept to myself for the rest of the dinner. After my little announcement of seeing someone, Tim’s demeanor toward me completely changed. He conversed with Brett, the other guy who had arrived with them, and ignored me. I was fine with that. It was Mel’s glances I was trying to ignore. I knew she saw the way I was looking at my phone, and she definitely had questions she wanted to ask me. She tried, but I shook my head to tell her not now.

  When dinner was finally over, it was already past nine. I had made up my mind to meet Mason, but I couldn’t just get up and leave. I didn’t want to make a scene, so I patiently waited. I just hoped he was still there when I arrived.

  “Well, I guess we better head off now. I know Emma has some reading to do, and I don’t want to make her stay up any longer then she needs to,” Melanie said with a laugh.

  “Thank you so much for allowing us to join you, Mr. Cline,” I said as I started to get up from my seat. “I had a wonderful evening, but I do have a lot to go over before Wednesday’s class.”

  “It was good to see you, Emma. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other again,” he said with a smile.

  “Have a good night,” I replied as I looked around the table with a small smile on my face before we headed toward the exit.

  Melanie walked behind me until we exited the restaurant, and then she grabbed my arm. “Okay, what’s going on with you? You’ve been in a daze ever since you got a text. Is everything all right? Is it Victoria or Becky?”

  I shook my head and began to walk once more. “No.” I glanced at her for a moment as she walked beside me then stared down at the sidewalk. “If I tell you, I don’t want you to freak out. I’m only saying something because you’re my sister and I don’t want any judgments.”

  “Okay,” she drawled.

  “It was Mason.”

  I looked over to examine her expression, but she averted her eyes. I knew she had something to say, but she was holding it back.

  “He wants me to meet him in Central Park,” I continued as I glanced around at the people walking the streets. It wasn’t busy for that time of night, but it was still more people than I thought would be out on a weekday.

  “Are you going to go?”

  I stared straight ahead for a moment before stopping to turn and look at her.

p; “I am,” I replied quickly. “I know you think it’s a horrible decision and I agree, but I have to go. Deep down, I know it’s stupid. He’s my professor, and it’s wrong in more ways than one, but I can’t help the way I feel. He apologized to me today,” I said as I looked down. “I was rude and basically said I didn’t want to hear what he had to say.”

  “So, you’re going because you feel bad?” she concluded.

  “No, I’m going because I want to see him. I can’t explain it to you, but it feels right. I don’t understand it,” I said as I shook my head.

  I didn’t know how to explain to her how I felt. I knew I shouldn’t want to see him. I should run far way, but I couldn’t. It felt wrong.

  Melanie started moving again, and I turned to walk beside her.

  “I’m not going to judge you, Em. I just want you to be smart about this. This is your life, but you have dreams that you’ve been chasing for a long time. I don’t want you to mess that up for yourself.”

  I leaned into her to wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close to me. “I know, and I love that you care so much. This will probably end badly with an ‘I told you so’ remark, but I want to explore what’s there. He might not even feel what I feel, but I’ll never know unless I go for it.”

  We were both quiet as we walked to the end of the street and came to a stop, pulling away from each other.

  “What time are you supposed to meet him?”


  She lifted her arm to look at her watch and gave me a frown. “Well, you’re already a half hour late. Are you still going to go?”

  I nodded with a smile.

  She reached out to me and embraced me in a hug.

  “Just text me and let me know you’re safe, okay?”

  She pulled away and gave me a short wave before heading toward the subway.