Professor Cline Revealed (The Professor #1) Page 5
I laughed as she walked out and then closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. You can do this.
Grabbing my coffee, I headed into the living room. I loved that the wall with two windows was all brick. It brought so much character into the living space, and the oversized windows didn’t take away from it, either. They had a great view of the city, one I could stare at all day.
Walking to the far right corner, I looked through the box which held most of my bathroom stuff. I’d have to find a place to store all of my things until I could figure out what I was going to do. I couldn’t keep everything there. Mel’s closet was already busting at its seams, so none of my clothes would fit in there.
Finding my makeup bag, I made my way over to the mirror hanging in the foyer. Quinn was still in the bathroom, and I didn’t want to rush her out so I could finish getting ready.
After applying my makeup, I brushed through my hair and pulled it over my left shoulder to give myself a side braid. Once I was done, I was ready to go. I would make the best of the day. I had to make the best of the day. I was nervous as hell, but it was what I’d been working so hard toward. I’d have to put everything else behind me and just look forward. It was the only thing I could do. Everything would turn out the way it was supposed to.
I looked up at the building I’d call home for the next three years. I can do anything I set my mind to. I was scared as hell but excited all at the same time.
I made my way inside and looked over all the fine furnishings. It was beautiful, and for some reason just standing out in the open made me feel important, like one day I would achieve something great. I smiled as I thought about everything I had to do to get to that point. I’d worked my ass off and sacrificed part of my life, but it was all worth it. Even though my parents were thousands of miles away and I’d just had my heart broken, I wouldn’t change a single thing because I was right where I’d always wanted to be.
Taking a deep breath, I looked at the signs on the walls to help direct me to the right room. I walked toward the right, down the hallway, up two flights of stairs, and made it to room two hundred and seven, criminal law.
There were certain requirement classes you had to take your first year as a law student and this was going to be the one to help me out the most. Criminal law was what I wanted to specialize in, so I was the most excited about that class. My sister Melanie specialized in criminal and contract law, which was another required class. I wasn’t looking forward to contract law, but at least I had someone to help me out.
I made my way into the room that was starting to fill up. It had stadium seating with half-circle desks on each of six levels, which fifteen students each sat around.
Walking up to the third level, I made my way to the middle seat and placed my things down. I looked behind me to see what everyone was doing. There were a few students talking toward the back, but everyone else seemed to be in their own little world. They were probably getting themselves in the zone to prepare for an overload of information.
Digging through my bag, I pulled out my textbook, laptop, phone, and notebook. Everything I’d need to help me retain as much information as my brain could possibly store. I had no idea how the professor would teach, so I wanted to be prepared. I just hoped he wasn’t the strict kind who didn’t allow phones to be seen because I wanted to use mine to record the lectures.
The door to the room opened as I was logging on to my computer. I’d glanced up for a brief moment, but looked back down. I was pulling up a Word document when my brain registered what I’d just seen. I immediately looked back up with my mouth hanging open. My eyes widened in shock as a tall god started writing his name on the dry erase board. My hands started to sweat and I could feel my ears getting hot as a blush crept up my body. He was more beautiful in the light of day, and I knew then that this was going to be my hardest class. It was going to take everything I had to pay attention and not stare into his sea-blue eyes, or watch the way his lips curved as he spoke. The pep talk I gave myself before walking into the room seemed inadequate by that point. Because if I did anything I set my mind to, I’d be doing Professor Cline.
Chapter 6
I tossed my pen down and sighed as I looked at all the papers on my desk. I’d spent two hours in my office getting things ready for the first day of class. I rubbed at my eyes and looked at the clock. Class would start in ten minutes. It was one of the things I took pride in. I’d spent so much time getting to that point. Teaching gave me purpose, especially teaching law.
Grabbing my satchel off the floor, I put my files inside and headed toward the classroom. There were eight minutes until class would start. I wondered how many students I’d be locking out on the first day.
If anyone was to ask my previous students what kind of teacher I was, they would probably say I was strict. Some might even call me an asshole. But I was an asshole who knew his shit and made sure they knew it, too. I didn’t play around in the classroom. I didn’t tell stories to make things easier on them, either. The law was hard and I made them work for it. Any soon-to-be lawyer would take pride in learning things the hard way. The ones who didn’t … failed.
I walked into the classroom, set my satchel on the desk and turned to the board to write my name. I knew as soon as students read it, they would put two and two together. Cline was a well-known name in the lawyering community, thanks to my father, John Cline.
Opening my satchel, I pulled out the file with the syllabus inside and looked up to pick a student to start handing them out when I saw the eyes of Emma staring at me. She looked down at her computer almost immediately.
At first, I was stunned to see her in my classroom, but then my lip curved into a smirk. She just made this quest easier.
I motioned to a guy in the front row to come to my desk and then looked at the clock. There were two minutes left until I’d lock the door.
“Will you please hand these out?” I asked, handing him the stack of papers. He took them without a word and started passing them around.
My gaze went to Emma again to see her trying her best not to look at me. I could tell she was blushing much easier since I got to see her with light. She was stunning. The dark hair I’d thought was brown was actually auburn which suited her complexion nicely, especially when she was blushing.
That fucking innocent blush was going to do me in. Just the sight of her was getting my dick excited, which wasn’t good. Not in the middle of a classroom. I shouldn’t have neglected my needs after the morning’s episode.
Looking away, I took a deep breath. I needed to stay focused.
Walking to the door of the room, I turned the lock and turned to the students. They were either looking at me or glancing at the other students around them. They probably knew in that moment I wasn’t going to be going easy on them.
“Rule number one in this classroom: if you aren’t here by eight, you won’t enter through that door,” I said, pointing to the door I’d just locked which had students trying to pull it open. I walked back to my desk and stood behind it to continue. “Rule number two: do not interrupt my class by leaving the room, unless it’s an emergency. If that means you need to slow your intake on the coffee in the morning, then do so. I can’t forbid you to leave the room, but that door is locked on the outside.” I looked around at some of the students who I was sure were wishing they’d peed before they came into the room. “Rule number three: no phone usage in this classroom. I know some students use their phone to record, and that I will accept. However, if I see you playing with your phone in any way while I’m trying to teach, I will—not so politely—tell you to leave. It is your choice to be here, and I don’t need you to disturb others who are trying to learn.”
I took a moment to let all of it sink in, and then I looked at Emma to make sure she was looking at me and paying attention. She was.
Grabbing a blank piece of paper from my satchel, I held it up and looked at the guy I’d given the st
ack of syllabi to. He got up and walked to my desk. “What is your name?” I asked him.
I handed him the paper and then addressed the class. “Steven here is going to write his name on that piece of paper and then pass it to the next person to do the same. After today, I will have a piece of paper on my desk for you to sign when you come in. I will keep attendance in this class and give five extra points on any test you take at the end of the semester. You only get those points if you don’t miss any classes, so keep that in mind,” I informed the students as I walked to the front of my desk and sat down. “As you can see,” I said, pointing behind me at the board, “I’m Professor Cline. Yes, I can see some of you recognize the name. John Cline is my father and no, I will not be following in his footsteps.” I glanced at Emma again to see if she showed any sign of recognition, but I got nothing. She just looked at me with fascination like most of the students were. “If any of you don’t know who my father is, then do your research. Once you graduate law school, you’ll want to get on with the best of the best. He’s one of them.”
Grabbing the syllabus, I went over everything we’d be discussing in the class. Not in too much detail, but just enough so they’d be prepared. Then, I went into teaching my first day’s worth of work.
“Learning the law is like learning another language. Today, I’m going to start by going over some of the rules of criminal law. These are very important for you to know for your final exams.” While speaking, I looked around the room at all of the students, my gaze landing on Emma more than a few times. Having her in class wasn’t going to be easy. I had already made up my mind the other night to proposition her, so I’d just have to do it sooner rather than later.
Chapter 7
The first hour of the class flew by and I did my best not to look up from my notes as I typed them, but I couldn’t help it. Everything about him called for my attention. The way he leaned back against his desk, the way he rubbed at the scruff on his chin. Those eyes that seemed to find their way to me every time I looked up from my computer. I found myself letting my own drift over his body as he spoke to the class, stopping where I knew a bulge was hiding. I bit the inside of my cheek and felt my ears heat as I remembered that night at Costello’s. He knew exactly what he was doing and a fire had been lit.
I looked back up to Professor Cline’s face only to see he was looking at me with a smirk. “Let’s go ahead and take a break. Be back in ten minutes,” he said, looking at me the whole time. Then he got up from his desk, unlocked the door, and walked out.
I frowned at myself as I closed my computer. I really needed to get a grip on this. I couldn’t be fawning over my teacher.
“I’m never going to pass this class,” I heard a girl behind me say.
“I know, right? How the hell are we supposed to pay attention? I think I only wrote half the notes down because I was too busy staring at him,” another girl replied with a giggle.
I laughed to myself. At least I wasn’t the only one who was going to find the class to be difficult.
I stood from my seat and grabbed my bag, leaving all my stuff at the table. I made my way out of the room to find a bathroom and a vending machine. I’d had a big cup of coffee that morning, but I didn’t eat anything. I could feel the hunger pain in my stomach, and I didn’t want it to start growling in class.
After using the restroom, I found a vending machine down the hall and got a candy bar to snack on and a Coke to drink. I was the kind of person to snack on candy any chance I got. It was my weakness. When I was little, Melanie would bribe me into doing her chores just by giving me candy.
Thinking of my sister, I pulled out my phone and sent her a text. I knew she’d be busy at work, but her phone was always by her side.
Me: My professor is the son of your boss.
I was taken aback when he’d said it in class, but John Cline was my sister’s boss. I knew he had a son, but I had no idea who he was or what he looked like.
Mel: Mason? I totally forgot he was a teacher. You lucky bitch.
I laughed out loud at her reply. Mason, huh? I liked that name. Mason Cline.
Me: I guess that’s his name. And no, I’m not a lucky bitch. Do you have any idea how hard it will be to focus in class?
Mel: Oh, I bet. I have to get back to work, but do me a favor and don’t Google him. lol
I rolled my eyes. She did that shit on purpose. She knows I won’t be able to resist looking now. Finishing off my candy bar, I looked at the time. I had three minutes left before I needed to get to class. I placed my Coke inside my purse and Googled as I walked back. The screen loaded with pictures and I stopped in my tracks.
Holy hell, the man is gorgeous.
“Ms. Blake, will you be joining us for the rest of the class?” I heard from behind me.
I gasped in surprise, too focused on what I was looking at, and dropped my phone as I turned to see Professor Cline standing behind me. He leaned down and grabbed my phone before I was even able to move. I could feel my face flame with embarrassment as he looked at the screen with a smirk. I wished I could just magically disappear. Then I heard my phone vibrate in his hand. He glanced up at me, still wearing the smirk, and handed over the phone.
“You have one minute, Ms. Blake,” he said as he walked off.
I looked down at my phone to see what he was smirking at and wished I could die right then.
Mel: Make sure you scroll through all the pics. There is a pic of his penis, or so they say. It’s WOWZER!!!! Now go try and focus in class. Love you! lol
Taking a deep breath, I fast-walked to the room and made it in just as he was about to close the door. There was only a small space for me to squeeze through and instead of moving out of the way, he stayed where he was. My shoulder brushed past his chest and I could feel just how firm he was with that slight touch. And whatever cologne or body wash he used had my senses on high-alert. It was like pheromones mating with an aphrodisiac. My face was already hot with embarrassment, but in that instant my body was on fire.
“Case law,” he stated as I took my seat, “is the concept of one judge making a decision which is then referenced in other courts by other judges. This serves as the cornerstone of the common law of the legal system, which is used in America, but originated in England.” He paced as he looked around the room. “Judges have some degree of authority in not only interpreting the law, but also, in effect, creating the law where there are gaps or inconsistency within the written codified law created by the legislature.”
My plan was to avoid eye contact for the rest of the class, but his voice and presence demanded my attention. I couldn’t look away from him as he spoke.
He went over different cases and scenarios and asked us all questions. He made me feel confident that I would get the best out of his teaching. He explained everything clearly and if you answered wrong, he told you why. I knew some professors weren’t like that from what Melanie had told me. Some would tell you to look up why your answer was incorrect. Others would humiliate you in front of the entire class. I hoped I didn’t have to deal with any of that.
During his questioning, he took his jacket off and I swear I heard a collective sigh from all the girls in the room. I hoped I’d be able to focus on his teaching more than his body and good looks.
“I think that’s enough for today. I’ll see you all on Wednesday,” I heard him say as I was typing out the rest of my notes. I glanced up to see him erasing the board and checked the time. These hours are going to go by so quick. It made me nervous that I wouldn’t be able to retain it all.
I closed my laptop and quickly packed up my things. I didn’t want to be the last person in the room, but as soon as I stepped off the stairs I heard him call my name.
“Ms. Blake, can I see you for a moment?”
I turned my head his way. He was packing up his things and talking to two other students, the women I’d heard talking about him earlier in class. One
of them turned to glare at me, giving me the stink-eye, but I looked away to stare at my shoes. I didn’t walk to his desk, thinking it would be best to wait for the women to get done ogling over the professor. I was in no hurry to have my embarrassment continued.
Hearing footsteps, I looked up to see the girls walking out of the classroom. Everyone was gone by that point except the two of us. I bit my lip and felt a pang of anxiety as he started toward me.
“Follow me, Ms. Blake,” he said in a commanding tone as he walked past me.
Without a question, my feet moved and I followed him out the door. I walked slightly behind him as we made our way around the corner at the end of the hall. He didn’t look back to see if I was following either, like he knew I would obey. It was annoying that just by his tone I’d be so willing to do as he pleased and yet there I was, following like a puppy.
“Can you tell me what this is about?” I finally asked as he came to a door.
He pulled out a key and opened it, entering without looking behind him or answering my question. I should’ve stayed where I was and demanded to know what he wanted, but my curiosity won out.
I walked into the room and noticed it was an office. There was a desk to the right with stacks of papers and to the left was a bookshelf filled with books. Most of them, I noticed, were law books.
“Please close the door,” he said as he put his satchel down next to his desk.
I closed the door and turned to his bookshelf because I couldn’t look at him. Not yet anyway. Just being in that small space alone with him was causing all kinds of scenarios to run through my head. Scenarios I shouldn’t be thinking about because he’s my professor.
“Do I make you nervous, Ms. Blake?” I heard from behind me.
I turned to see him standing only a foot away, arms folded across his chest and his eyes focused on me.
“N…no,” I stuttered like an idiot. I couldn’t focus with him being so close to me. I looked to see if there was a seat for me to sit in, but there was nothing, only the one behind his desk.