Professor Cline Revealed (The Professor #1) Read online

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  “Do you find me attractive?” he asked, his voice deep with want.

  My cheeks flushed. What? “No,” I tried to say convincingly.

  He smirked. “So if I told you I wanted to bend you over my desk and fuck you right now, what would you say?”

  My mouth hung open in shock and I knew at any moment I’d feel my panties getting wet. Just the thought made my breathing pick up a notch.

  “I’d say that was entirely inappropriate,” I finally managed to say.

  He laughed. “Because you have a boyfriend?”

  “Because you are my professor,” I stated.

  My reply made him smile. “So, the boyfriend doesn’t matter then?” he asked.

  He inched his way closer to me, causing me to take a step back. My back was met with the bookcase and my eyes widened as he filled the empty space between us.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. His smell was overpowering my senses, and I could feel my lower half clench.

  I needed to get control of myself. “We broke up,” I confessed as I gazed into his eyes. It was a bad move on my part. I knew his eyes were beautiful, but since I was so close they looked like the ocean on a bright sunny afternoon. I wanted to dive in and get lost for days.

  “Ms. Blake, would you rather I not be your professor?”

  “W…what?” I asked, shaking myself out of my fantasy. “No, I have to take this class.”

  “And you will. But I’m giving you the option to transfer to another professor. I can make that happen for you if it would make you feel more comfortable.” I looked at him confused. Did I want to have a different professor? He leaned down to my ear, bracing himself with the bookshelf, and rubbed his lips against my ear lobe. “This is going to happen, princess. I knew it from the moment I saw you.” He pulled back and looked into my eyes. “You’re so beautiful.”

  He was so close to me I could feel the warmth coming off his body. It mixed with the heat from my arousal, causing me to sweat. I could feel a bead of it slide down my cleavage. He was so intense I didn’t know how to handle it. The thought of telling him to go to Hell had crossed my mind, but the words never left my lips. He was so confident I would say yes and yet, I didn’t want to say no.

  “Wednesday after classes. Let me take you to dinner.”

  I frowned. “Wouldn’t that get you into trouble if someone saw us out together?” The words I shouldn’t have been saying were leaving my lips. I should have automatically told him no.

  He smirked at me. “I promise you nobody from the class would be there.”

  “Have you had to deal with this sort of thing before? Do you often meet with your students… after hours?”

  I looked into his eyes and a grin formed on his lips.

  “You, Ms. Blake, would be my first. I can assure you I do not make it a habit to pursue any of my students.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him as I thought over his words. Did I want to take that chance? I’d just wasted three years of my life on a man who didn’t give a shit. What was wrong with wanting to feel wanted? This man wants me. But then again, this is my career he could be messing with. What if we did get caught? How much trouble would I be in? I could lose my scholarship.

  He tilted my face up to look at him. “You’re thinking too much. You have nothing to worry about,” he reassured me. “Think about it, and we’ll talk more on Wednesday.”

  He pulled back from me and it wasn’t until then that I finally felt like I could breathe. It wasn’t that he was suffocating; it was that his presence swallowed me whole. He was so intense and domineering, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a turn-on. It was such a damn turn-on, and my wet panties were proof.

  When he took a seat at his desk, I quickly made my way to the door, opened it, and then walked out. I couldn’t believe what’d just happened. Did he just proposition me? I didn’t know what to think of any of it. It was all so crazy.

  One thing was for sure, though. It might only be ten o’clock in the morning, but I was ready for a drink.

  Chapter 8


  What the fuck was I doing?

  Dinner? I’m losing my fucking mind.

  I’d just sat down in the chair in my home office when my phone rang. I looked at the name lighting up the screen and debated on whether or not to answer, but I knew he’d continue to call until I picked up.

  “Yeah,” I said, taking the call. I never called him Dad. He’d lost that privilege a long time ago.

  I should have let it go to voicemail, but I knew he would have continued to call until I picked up.

  “Mason, I have tickets at the office for the charity event next Friday. Come get them by this Thursday,” he said in a tone that demanded his orders to be followed.

  I sighed and rubbed at my eyes, shaking my head. I knew what charity event he wanted me to attend. It was a foundation to help women and children who were sexually abused. He did shit like this all the time. It amazed me how he could be so nonchalant.

  I wanted to tell him to fuck off and go to Hell, but I wouldn’t. I’d just throw in a little something to stir the pot like I usually did. Just to make sure he remembered that I knew what kind of man he truly was.

  “Do you really think it’s appropriate for you to even attend this event?”

  The line was silent like I knew it would be. He was definitely fuming on the other end, but he’d never have an outburst. He was a smart man. He was a lawyer, after all. He knew better than to make confessions over the phone.

  I heard him clear his throat before he spoke again. “Come by any time. If I’m not here, just ask Melanie to get them for you.”

  Then he was gone. It was how our conversations usually played out. There was nothing truly personal between us anymore.


  I woke the next morning around eleven and replayed the scene in my office. I must have lost my mind. I didn’t date. I picked women up, they served their purpose, and then I was done. What was it about her that made me lose all sense? It wasn’t the innocence that flowed off her in waves; I’d dealt with that plenty of times. I couldn’t figure it out.

  I sighed.

  Dating was something I never did. It led to hopes for more, even when told nothing more would come. I’d learned my lesson the hard way. After John Cline won his big case when I was nineteen, any chance of me having a normal relationship was lost. Everyone wanted to know his prodigy and the women wanted the fame and money. And even though I knew it was something I never truly wanted, it made me despise him even more. It was as if he’d planned on ruining every aspect of my life.

  I sat up in bed, felt a pain behind my eyes and noticed the glass on my bedside table. I shouldn’t have drunk so much scotch the night before, but then I remembered why I had.

  John had called me after I’d gotten home. Not the way I wanted to end my fucking day.

  I made my way downstairs and headed to the kitchen to get some Tylenol and a bottle of water. Although my work was in the city, I lived in the suburbs in a quiet, upscale neighborhood. The two-story brick colonial was my sanctuary and my Hell, my place of solitude where the darkness crept in at night. Every room was decorated in reds and blacks, all except my bedroom. I did it as a reminder of the blood on my hands and darkness of my soul. I knew there were things in life we could never take back, and I didn’t plan on ever letting myself forget. My room was white and light grey, a reminder of my innocence, something which was taken away from me. I would wake in the morning in purity, then leave with the reminder of the darkness that lived deep inside.

  After grabbing what I needed, I headed back to the stairs and saw Nancy, my maid, walk out of the study.

  “Good morning, Nancy.”

  She looked up and screamed as she looked me over. Her wide eyes darted down my body and then back to my face. She turned around quickly and apologized profusely.

  “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry, Mr. Cline. I had no idea you were down here,” she explained before she scur
ried off back into the study.

  I rubbed at my head as her high-pitched apologies rang through my ears and then looked down at myself. I’d apparently forgotten to put clothes on and given the poor old bag a show. I’d have laughed if my head wasn’t pounding. It wasn’t the first time it had happened, and I was sure it wouldn’t be the last.

  I went back up to my room and threw on some sweatpants. There was only one way I knew how to get rid of the headache. I opened the door to the weight room and stepped inside, turned the classical music on and headed for the treadmill.

  I’d run it out of my system.


  I stepped out of my car into the cool night air. It wasn’t usual for me to go out on a weeknight and prowl clubs, but it was what I needed and after the voicemail I’d received earlier, there was no way of getting around it.

  “Mason, it’s been a while. I’m still waiting. I know you haven’t forgotten.”

  It was a voice I’d longed to forget, but he wouldn’t let me. He’d never be out of my life.

  I could have called Rachel, but this was different. I needed a new conquest. During and after my run, I couldn’t get Emma out of my mind. I kept picturing her curvy, petite frame above mine, riding my cock until ecstasy took over her face. And I craved every minute of it. If I weren’t already fucked-up, I’d think something was wrong with me. I’d never given up control before, but there was something about her I couldn’t get past.

  I made my way into the club Night Shade located downtown. It was a regular for me. It wasn’t in the high-class part of town, but I liked that aspect. I didn’t want to run into people I knew. It didn’t always work that way, but it was rare. I didn’t wear my typical suit like I did every day when I went out at night. I dressed in jeans and a blue button-down dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. I made myself appear approachable. I knew how intimidating I could look in a suit, so I avoided it.

  I nodded to the bouncer as I made my way inside. The place was dim so it took a moment for my eyes to adjust. It had its usual smell of alcohol and sweat, which wasn’t pleasant, but I wouldn’t be there long to endure it.

  Making my way to the bar, I sat at the far end and nodded to Tommy who was making some drinks for customers. He was the bartender and part owner of the club. I’d known him for around three years, ever since the place had opened. He’d noticed me the first night I’d come in. I wasn’t expecting it, but I wasn’t surprised either because when John became famous, so did I. I became an eligible bachelor in the eyes of the media in a matter of twenty-four hours. The young tycoon following in his dad’s footsteps… but they all had it wrong. I was doing everything I could to not follow in his footsteps.

  Tommy handed off drinks to his customers, made his way toward me and smiled as he approached.

  “Hey, man. You on the prowl tonight?” He smirked.

  I never had personal conversations with him, but he wasn’t blind. He knew what I came there for.

  “Gin and tonic,” I replied without answering his question.

  He laughed and walked away to get my drink. He knew he wouldn’t get anything out of me.

  While I waited, I looked around the room. The bar was located on the right, so I had to turn to the left to see the dance floor. There was a railing a few feet away which blocked the dance floor from the bar area and further down to the right were two pool tables.

  I never explored the club, choosing to stay where I was to scope out who I’d want to pick up for the night. There were a variety of people who went to the club. You had the partiers, the college crowd, the girl groups, the guy groups, and the ones who wanted to get laid. The ones who went out to the club by themselves hoping someone would take the bait, and that was exactly what I was looking for.

  Tommy walked back over, setting a napkin down before he placed my drink on top. “Let me know when you want another,” he said before walking off.

  I picked up the drink and took a sip, then turned to look out on the dance floor. A provocative song was playing and the women were putting on a show. I liked to watch what they did when a man would walk up behind them and start rubbing themselves all over. They usually never turned to see who they were dancing with. They turned and looked in my direction, made eye contact, and danced for me. If there were anything I’d ever thank John for, it’d be my looks. I knew I was attractive, and I used it to my advantage.

  I spotted a brunette in a tight, strapless blue dress. She was dancing alone fairly close to the railing, so I had a good view. She danced for herself and had the attention of every guy looking out at the dance floor. She was swaying her curvy hips and rubbing her hands over her body. Every guy who came up to her was pushed away. I grinned at her actions. She knew exactly what she was doing.

  The song ended, and she stood there for a minute to catch her breath before she walked off the dance floor. I turned my body back toward the bar and saw Tommy look my way with a smile, like he knew what I was about to do.

  The space beside me had no customers, so she squeezed in and lifted a hand to Tommy. He nodded at her and she placed her hand back down on the bar. I watched her from the corner of my eye as I lifted my drink to my lips. I could see her looking at me, so I turned my head toward her. She smiled and looked away. I drank the rest of my drink, placed it down on the napkin and then looked back at her. She was tall with big brown eyes which looked exotic. I tried to imagine what she looked like naked, but the only image coming to mind was Emma.

  I closed my eyes and shook my head, running a hand down my face. I needed to get her out of my system.

  “You come here a lot,” I heard from beside me.

  I turned toward her with my eyebrows pinched together. Her statement took me off-guard. “Excuse me?”

  “I’ve seen you in here a couple of times,” she stated as she leaned in closer to me. I could smell the alcohol on her breath and knew she wouldn’t be the one for me for the night. I didn’t like them drunk. They needed to be able to make a wise decision before I took them to the condo. She placed her hand on my shoulder and brought her lips to my ear. “I’ve seen you here before…and you never leave with the same girl.”

  She pulled back with a smile as if she’d just accomplished something, but all she did was deter me from being there. Obviously I’d gotten her attention before, but this was a game to me. I didn’t want pussy being thrown in my face.

  Tommy came over and placed a fruity drink in front of Ms. Blue Dress.

  “You want another one?” Tommy asked me, yelling over the music. I shook my head and he walked off. The place was filling up with more people and it looked like it was about time for me to go.

  I pulled out my wallet and placed a fifty on the bar. Then I felt a hand on my thigh.

  “You’re not leaving already, are you?” she asked with a pouty expression.

  I picked her hand up and flicked it off my leg. “Sorry, but you’re not my type,” I said as I stood up and headed for the door. I wasn’t usually an asshole, but if I was ever to go there again, I didn’t want her thinking she could approach me. It wasn’t the way I did things.

  I pulled my phone out and looked at the time, noticing it was close to eleven. I was just going to head home. I needed to figure out what I was going to do about Emma.

  Chapter 9

  Mason – Seventeen years old

  I was in my room doing my homework. I had a big history test coming up on Thursday, and I wanted to make sure I knew everything. Exams would be coming soon and with graduation around the corner, I wanted to have all A’s.

  I was summarizing the chapter I had just read when John came into my room. He was wearing his usual suit and tie. I never understood why he wore a suit around the house, and I never saw him wear anything else. It was as if he was trying to impress himself.

  “Come here,” he commanded with the wave of his hand. “I have something for you.”

  I pushed my chair back and walked toward my door. When I stepped out into
the hallway, he was already making his way down the stairs. I followed behind him all the while wondering what he could have for me.

  When I reached the first floor, I followed John down the hall toward his office and was surprised when he stopped at the door which led to the basement. I was told on numerous occasions to never go into the basement. It wasn’t a problem for me. I didn’t want to know what the hell he had going on down there anyway, but since I was making my way down, I was getting nervous.

  We hadn’t said more than a few words to each other since my mother passed away. I wanted to keep it that way, but unfortunately for me I couldn’t. He was my source of income until I was twenty-five, and if I was going to go to college then I’d have to ride it out.

  He made it down the stairs and approached the only door at the bottom. I made my way next to him and he placed his hand on my shoulder, gripping it with a slight grin.

  “I got something for you, son,” he told me as he opened the door to the room.

  I didn’t notice her at first. Not until John pointed at the bed. “Happy birthday, Mason,” he said as he pushed me into the room.

  He closed the door and left while I stood there, my eyes wide, staring at the girl on the bed. She was naked, except for the black nylons that went up to her thighs. I could hear her heavy breathing. Or is that my own? I lifted my hand to my heart and could feel it pounding out of my chest.

  What the fuck is this?

  I turned to look at the door, my first thought being that I needed to leave, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to. He’d be out there expecting it.

  I slowly walked to the bed and noticed the blindfold over her eyes. She was lying on her stomach with her hands tied to the headboard and she was moving the lower part of her body on the bed, moaning softly.

  I couldn’t help but watch her, my pants getting tighter with every second. Every time she moved, she’d lift off the bed, showing the outline of her breasts. They were big and full, nothing I’d ever seen before.